頁: 141-174
日期: 2010/04
摘要: 在未來服務業的世界中,愈發重視與顧客間的互動,在服務設計的過程中可以就與顧客有高度的互動,以強調服務是與顧客共同創作的價值與成品。本研究的研究問題與作法是針對服務概念設計之流程需求評比、概念產生與概念選擇三階段的作法進行改良,主要是利用群眾的篩選機制,佐以資訊超載之理論,最後再利用預測市場決策蒐集群眾力量的特性,達到一個可以透過網路交相互動之服務概念設計。為提升預測市場的準確度,本研究係利用實驗法分析合約數量對預測市場運作之影響程度。本研究發現合約數量確實對於預測市場的結果有顯著影響,預測市場主要是適用用於一些偏好明顯之預測方案,並建議預測市場應適時重新開放合約交易以持續追蹤服務概念的偏好以減少偏頗的選擇,另外選擇適當複雜度的方案,對於潛在需求的發現將有極大的助益。
關鍵字: 服務科學;概念設計;預測市場;概念工程;服務設計;
Abstract: In service exchange, both providers and customers are involved in shaping the continuum of value co-production. Combining the concepts of prediction market and concept engineering, service concept design engaged by providers and customers can become much efficient and economical. The providers and customers in service industry are changing all the time. In addition, there are many uncertain factors to consider and it is important for a service design team to establish the relationship with their customers and unfold a service concept design process which can meet consumers' expectations and needs. This paper presents an IT-enabled process of new service concept design based on the analytical model of precision market to achieve the design goal while minimizing the concept development cost by collective customer involvement. This IT-enabled service concept design process comprises four parts (Collecting the voice of the customers, Requirement Rater, Concept generator and Concept selector) unfolding the customer-based design of new service concepts in order to meet the customer needs and potentially improve customer satisfaction in light of the uncertainty and the dynamics in what the customers want for services. This study found that the number of contracts actually impacts the performance of the prediction market; the prediction market is mainly suitable to predict the service concepts of the obvious preferences; it is recommended for the prediction market to re-open the contracts in due course in order to keep track of the preferable service concepts in avoidance of biased selections; meanwhile, the complexity in service concepts is also useful for discovering the potential demand.
Keywords: Service Science;Concept Design;Predication Market;Concept Engineering;Service Design;
瀏覽次數: 27437 下載次數: 1375
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 141-174
日期: 2010/04
摘要: 在未來服務業的世界中,愈發重視與顧客間的互動,在服務設計的過程中可以就與顧客有高度的互動,以強調服務是與顧客共同創作的價值與成品。本研究的研究問題與作法是針對服務概念設計之流程需求評比、概念產生與概念選擇三階段的作法進行改良,主要是利用群眾的篩選機制,佐以資訊超載之理論,最後再利用預測市場決策蒐集群眾力量的特性,達到一個可以透過網路交相互動之服務概念設計。為提升預測市場的準確度,本研究係利用實驗法分析合約數量對預測市場運作之影響程度。本研究發現合約數量確實對於預測市場的結果有顯著影響,預測市場主要是適用用於一些偏好明顯之預測方案,並建議預測市場應適時重新開放合約交易以持續追蹤服務概念的偏好以減少偏頗的選擇,另外選擇適當複雜度的方案,對於潛在需求的發現將有極大的助益。
關鍵字: 服務科學;概念設計;預測市場;概念工程;服務設計;
A Prediction-Market Based Method for Service Concept Design
Abstract: In service exchange, both providers and customers are involved in shaping the continuum of value co-production. Combining the concepts of prediction market and concept engineering, service concept design engaged by providers and customers can become much efficient and economical. The providers and customers in service industry are changing all the time. In addition, there are many uncertain factors to consider and it is important for a service design team to establish the relationship with their customers and unfold a service concept design process which can meet consumers' expectations and needs. This paper presents an IT-enabled process of new service concept design based on the analytical model of precision market to achieve the design goal while minimizing the concept development cost by collective customer involvement. This IT-enabled service concept design process comprises four parts (Collecting the voice of the customers, Requirement Rater, Concept generator and Concept selector) unfolding the customer-based design of new service concepts in order to meet the customer needs and potentially improve customer satisfaction in light of the uncertainty and the dynamics in what the customers want for services. This study found that the number of contracts actually impacts the performance of the prediction market; the prediction market is mainly suitable to predict the service concepts of the obvious preferences; it is recommended for the prediction market to re-open the contracts in due course in order to keep track of the preferable service concepts in avoidance of biased selections; meanwhile, the complexity in service concepts is also useful for discovering the potential demand.
Keywords: Service Science;Concept Design;Predication Market;Concept Engineering;Service Design;
瀏覽次數: 27437 下載次數: 1375
引用 導入Endnote