
頁: 177-196
日期: 2010/01
摘要: 本研究從成人學習者角度探討在混成式網路教學環境中的學習行為意向,研究理論以TAM為基礎並擴展社群學習為影響變數,經由某社區大學電腦課程學員為研究對象,共計四個學期172位學員,驗證此研究架構之解釋力,進而了解何種因素將影響其學習態度與行為意向為主旨。本研究發現:成人學習者對於利用網路學習之新型態學習模式持有正面觀感,本研究架構達72%解釋力,其直接影響行為意向因素包含使用態度;知覺有用性與社群學習,其中社群學習為最關鍵因素。再者,知覺易用性與社群學習則必須透過學習有用性對使用態度產生間接影響。本研究結果顯示成人學習者接受網路學習模式並利用虛擬社群間的互動與分享,達到知識的提升與學習的凝聚力,並提出教學上的義涵與應用。
關鍵字: 成人教育;網路教學;社群學習;科技接受模式;混成學習;

Digital Learning and Virtual Community in Adult Education: A Study of Behavioral Intention in Blended Learning

Abstract: The paper aims to focus on the influence factors of the learning attitude and behavioral intention for adult learners who are involved in blended and virtual learning communities. This research is based on TAM and the questionnaire is proved by objects of study, some students in the computer course of a community college. Four semesters of 172 community college learners participated in the study. The research findings contend that adult learners have much more positive intentions toward using a new learning pattern through the Internet. In addition, perceived usefulness has obviously positive relations to learning attitude and behavioral intention. However, perceived ease of use has indirectly influenced perceived usability and there is no clear and obvious relation between virtual learning communities and learning attitude through the Internet. Overall, the results reveal that learning communities, attitude, and perceived usefulness explain about 72% of adult learning. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining adult learners in the virtual community, as well as in providing several instructional implications of how interactive learning can conspicuously stimulate learners' behavioral intention-related learning.
Keywords: Adult education;Network teaching;Learning of virtual communities;Technology Acceptance Model;Blended learning;

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