
頁: 85-107
日期: 2008/04
摘要: 視覺安全是一種以視覺效果為辨識秘密的機制,其不需要計算大量的複雜數學,和其他傳統的密碼系統比較起來,方便許多。不過,視覺安全在使用上仍有許多議題有待研究與討論。其中,文獻(邱文怡等2002)曾試圖運用善於搜尋問題的最佳解答之基因演算法,來解決視覺安全裡影像擴張與有意義性的問題。然而,我們發現用其方法所產生的秘密影像中,原應為黑色的像素,在某些時候可能變成白像素,或者白像素可能變成黑像素。這將造成使用者不容易判讀出正確的秘密訊息。因此,本文提出另一種做法,以改變基因演算法的運作方式,來解決此方面的議題。運用我們的方法,可以確保秘密訊息的正確性,並有效降低人眼判讀的錯誤。
關鍵字: 科技應用;視覺密碼學;基因演算法;安全環境;

Genetic Algorithms Highlighting the Target Secret in Visual Cryptography

Abstract: Secure concern in visual cryptography is yet another cipher mechanism used in the lower computation requirements. Compared to the text-based cryptography, such as DES and RSA, the time cost in decryption is much saved due to the secret is gained directly by our human vision systems. In secure concerns, how to make visual cryptography practical applying in real cases in the computer systems, there are still open issues in this way. Accordingly, one of the studied literature in (邱文怡等 2002), the genetic-based algorithm was proposed to realize the visual cryptography in the shadow/share image generation, in such a way that the size of share image is able to remain the same one of target image showing the secret. It is great research work using the manner of the genetic-based algorithm. In this case, we further observed that the secret shown in the target image can be improved better in order to resolve the misconception in the recognition of critical secret reading. It is conducted the uniform generations of black-pixel and white-pixel in our proposed algorithms. As the experiments given in our scheme, the secret shown in the target image is really undoubtedly visible to make the confusions clear in the recognitions of critical view-points.
Keywords: High-tech demands;visual cryptography;genetic algorithm;security;

瀏覽次數: 29390     下載次數: 268

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