
頁: 139-162
日期: 2007/10
摘要: 半導體產業的垂直分工趨勢促使愈來愈多的跨企業電子商務系統應用於大量商業資訊交換及溝通平台的建立。相較於過去眾多文獻集中於探討跨組織資訊系統於提升作業效能層次的研究,本文討論跨企業電子商務系統在促進新產品開發的效益。本研究採兩階段個案研究整合定性及定量研究方法。階段一透過深度訪談發現專業設計及製造廠商主要運用電子商務系統促進協同新產品開發過程中設計、工程及後勤階段必要的「技術對話」以克服跨組織知識整合上的劣勢。階段二則以實際企業間交易資料分析使用各種電子商務系統的效果。研究結果顯示,各類電子商務系統的使用均正向相關於新產品開發效能,而以支援設計相關活動系統的使用效果最大。整合元件廠商與積體電路設計公司在電子商務系統使用模式上有顯著差異,而亞洲公司在電子商務系統使用效果上顯著優於歐美公司。本研究建議晶圓代工廠商應針對不同客戶型態及文化差異提供不同的電子商務服務以促進行跨組織協同新產品開發效能。
關鍵字: 電子商務;半導體產業;新產品開發;協同合作;


Abstract: The trend of vertical disintegration in semiconductor industry promotes more and more collaborative e-commerce applications for interchanging business information and facilitating timely and efficient communication between the specialized firms. While previous literature focused on the operational performance enhancement of e-commerce system (ECS) usage, this study contributed to increase understandings on the performance of using ECS to facilitate new product development (NPD) process through combining qualitative and quantitative methods in a two-phase case study. This study found that the specialized firms mainly leveraged the collaborative e-commerce systems to facilitate the ”technical dialogue” between design and process engineers to conquer the technological knowledge integration issues in NPD process. With support by real transactional data, ECS usage has positive impacts on NPD performance and the design-related ECS accounts for the most of performance variance. In general, the integrated device manufacturing and the fabless customers have different effects of using ECS on NPD performance. With respect to the firm's location, the eastern companies obtain better NPD performance than the western companies by using those ECS. This study suggests that a foundry company should develop different ECS services to support various customers in terms of organizational type and geographical location.
Keywords: E-commerce;Semiconductor Industry;New Product Development;Collaboration;

瀏覽次數: 15689     下載次數: 1429

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