
頁: 67-102
日期: 2007/07
摘要: 世界經濟已從網路商業泡沫化與千禧年危機中逐漸地復甦。許多組織重新分配資訊科技資源到關鍵性的商業領域,並嘗試有效利用已存在之系統,例如:導入SCM(Supply Chain Management)和ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)來與上游供應商和下游客戶緊密連結;採用EAI(Enterprise Application Integration)來整合各個分散系統;發展行動商務來與終端用戶接觸。因此電子商務正在改變著組織的運作方式。網際網路泡沫化後許多研究者發現,電子商務課程似乎逐漸衰退,並紛紛質疑學校所開設電子商務課程是否舊酒裝新瓶?本研究認為在新經濟環境下使用與舊經濟相同的技能其實是行不通的。或許有不少人對於新經濟依舊存在著懷疑,但電子商務的存在卻是不容置疑,電子商務專業人才也依舊供不應求。因此本研究調查美國頂尖商學院與台灣大專院校的電子商務課程來了解電子商務專業人才供給面。另一方面透過搜尋美國與台灣最熱門人力仲介網站,來確認電子商務專業人才的需求面。最後,本研究針對縮短產業界間與學術界間之供需差距提出一系列之建議。
關鍵字: 學程;電子化企業;電子商務;業界需求;供給與需求;

A Comparative Analysis of E-Business Curricula and Industry Need

Abstract: The world economy has been revived from dot-com burst and the crisis of the millennium. Many enterprises are re-directing their resources into critical business fields in order to keep up with the extrinsic changes. They may use SCM (Supply Chain Management) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) to help them make a seamless integration with suppliers and customers, or EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) to integrate all the stand-alone systems for quick responsiveness. This phenomenon indicates that electronic business (EB) application systems play an important role in the effectiveness of enterprise operations. However, the tide of EB curricula seems to be declining. Many researchers doubt about whether the EB curricula really fit the needs of job market. In our opinion, it is impossible to continue adopting traditional curricula under the digital economy trend. Therefore, to adjust to rapid changes between education and practice, we surveyed EB curricula as a supply dimension collected from the top business schools in the U.S. and Taiwan as well as the job market websites to identify the supply and the demand of EB profession. We further compare the results with previous research and derive practical implications for narrowing the gap occurred between industry and academia.
Keywords: curricula;electronic business;electronic commerce;industry needs supply and demand;

瀏覽次數: 16067     下載次數: 6617

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