
頁: 237-272
日期: 2007/01
摘要: 本文提出以代理人為基礎的補償式策略協商模式,以解決分散式專案工作於執行階段,因資源不足所產生工作延誤的動態排程問題。模式主要由工作代理人、效用函數、協商策略演算法及協商協定所組成。其中,自我利益(self-interested)的工作代理人,代表專案成員所負責執行的工作任務,能以專案成員個別的利益及偏好考量;在分散式架構、惰時策略及補償機制的運作環境下,任何執行中的工作因資源不足所產生時程延誤的問題,該工作代理人能即在效用函數及協商策略的運作下,透過協商協定的互動機制,與其他時程可能受影響的工作代理人協商補償金的償付,以補償其採取配合時程變更行動所造成的損失。在分散式專案工作於執行階段,因資源不足產生工作延誤的動態排程問題,以即時、動態的補償式策略協商模式運作下,達到符合各專案成員利益的平衡點。最後,本文以一案例探討在補償式策略協商模式中,代理人如何協同合作,進行動態排程的補償金協商過程。
關鍵字: 代理人;動態排程;協商模式;協商策略;協商協定;

An agent-based Compensatory strategic-negotiation Model for Distributed Project Dynamic Scheduling

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a generalized agent-based compensatory strategic-negotiation model that uses compensatory negotiation to solve distributed project dynamic scheduling for the sake of resource discrepancy of activity at project executing phase. The framework of the model comprises activity agent, utility function, negotiation strategy algorithm and negotiation protocol. In this model, there are many self-interested activity agents on behalf of activities of distributed subcontractors in multi-contract projects. Under the distributed architecture, each of them can coordinate and cooperate with one another that act under his subcontractor's own benefits and preferences with slack time strategy and compensation mechanism. Through the utility function and negotiation strategy of activity agent, if any delay of an activity schedule is occurred by resource discrepancy at activity executing stage, the activity agents associated with this activity can negotiate automatically for dynamic scheduling with others whose schedules are affected by the delay and make an agreement of satisfied payment to compensate their loss. By the process of negotiation protocol in this model, agents can interact without a hitch in negotiation. Finally, a scenario of distributed project dynamic scheduling is discussed to perform our agent-based compensatory strategic-negotiation model.
Keywords: agent;dynamic scheduling;negotiation model;negotiation strategy;negotiation protocol;

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