
頁: 29-61
日期: 2006/07
摘要: Gnutella、Napster的點對點(Peer to Peer, P2P)資訊分享系統之間非利他主義的影響之下面臨了非常嚴重的挑戰,此挑戰即為資訊分享不對稱的問題。在本論文中將之稱為「資訊便車者(free rider)」議題。隨著點對點無線隨意網路(P2P wireless ad-hoc network, WP2P)亦是具有高度發展潛力的領域,本論文因此提出點對點無線網路環境下衡量「資訊貢獻度」的模型,以解決在無線點對點資訊分享網路中資訊便車者的問題,進而提供點對點分散式網路架構一位良好的資訊分享基礎環境。此模型稱之為「情境化資訊貢獻度模型」(CICM),在點對點資訊分享的過程之中,其考慮到資訊品質、資訊價值、時效性、分享策略、情境因素、網路頻寬及載具的效能等因子,並且利用上述因子,以P-Grid分散式儲存架構為基礎,評估個體對於此資訊分享網路的貢獻度,來消除在點對點無線隨意網路資訊分享中資訊便車者的問題,以期達到經濟效率及公平原則,避免點對點網路中無效率、不對稱的資訊分享,或是造成個體之問資訊分享成本上無謂的損失。
關鍵字: 點對點;分散式處理;資訊分享;資訊貢獻度;便車資訊享用者;行動隨意式網;

A Study on Free-Rider Distributed Impermeability for WP2P Content Sharing

Abstract: Gnutella and Napster, once most popular P2P file sharing systems, have encountered a serious problem for their significantly unbalanced content sharing between peers. Most peers in the sharing networks benefit from the sharing of others without contributing. This problem is so-called the free-rider problem. It is a very important issue to avoid the free-rider problem so that all of the peers in the networks can benefit substantially from collective actions so as to sustain the operations of the sharing networks. For the foreseeable wireless P2P contents sharing, this paper presents a correspondent solution model (utilizing the P-Grid storage model) named as ”Contextualized Information Contribution Model, CICM”. This model enables peers in the network to share content fairly and efficiently by considering information contribution of peers and instituting peers the incentives to account for the global benefits of a private act.
Keywords: P2P;distributed computing;content sharing;information contribution;free rider;ad-hoc network;

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