
頁: 1-28
日期: 2006/07
摘要: 網際網路的快速成長,使得線上媒體除了資訊整合的呈現之外,也成為另一種廣告與交易媒合的平台。本研究透過實驗室實驗法的設計,探討在線上廣告環境中廣告情境呈現、執行手法、消費者商品涉入程度、以及其問交互作用對於廣告效果的影響。研究結果發現,在不同的消費者涉入程度下,廣告變化與訊息訴求等廣告情境呈現方式,以及導引效果的執行手法,均會產生ELM中周邊與中央線索的效果。本研究以參考學域的觀點,結合認知心理學以及行銷學的基礎,探討在電子商務的線上廣告情境中消費者行為與反應,實際呈現了在線上環境中進行廣告行為時,實務上應考量的因素與可行作法,並以研究成果為基礎,提出對後續研究方向的建議。
關鍵字: 網路廣告;廣告變化;訊息訴求;導引效果;廣告態度;

The Influence of Ad Design and Execution Factors in the Online Environment: Ad Variation, Message Appeal, and Priming Effects

Abstract: The rapid development of the Internet opens up a broad opportunity for online media, making it a platform not only for presenting integrated information but also for online advertising and transactions. This study investigates the influence of interaction among consumer's product involvement, advertising context and execution on ad effects. Results show that for both more-and less-involved consumers, central and peripheral cues can be implemented with proper design of advertising context (ad variation and message appeal) and execution (priming strategies) factors. Based on the reference discipline perspective, this study, incorporating theoretical foundations of marketing and cognitive psychology, investigates consumer behavior and reaction in the online advertising environment. This study shows how online advertising can me most effective and hence provides practical hints for advertisers. Future directions for related research are also provided.
Keywords: online advertising;ad variation;message appeal;priming effects;attitude toward the ad;

瀏覽次數: 27628     下載次數: 427

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