
頁: 169-192
日期: 2006/01
摘要: 順應網際網路及資訊科技的發展趨勢,企業投入了大量設備及系統,其主要目的在改善企業運作流程及強化企業的競爭力。然而企業內部運用了各式的系統、平台、資料庫以及應用系統箏,企業面臨新的挑戰,如何將資訊流整合與應用成為目前企業新的思考方向,企業資訊入口網站在此應勢而生。本研究提供一個方法去建置企業資訊入口網站及評估模式。本研究是以平衡計分卡為依據,企業則依平衡計分卡之四個構面去擬定策略目標來完成企業之願景,將企業資訊入口網站內所提供之系統功能做為具體的行動方案,並對企業入。網站進行評估。其評估之結果可供企業改善其企業資訊入口網站的細部要項或修正其策略與架構之參考依據。
關鍵字: 企業資訊入口網站;平衡計分卡;企業應用整合;

The Study on Construction and Evaluation of Enterprise Information Portal

Abstract: For the trend of the internet and information technology development, the enterprise put in a great deal of equipments and a system, its main purpose is to improve the operation procedure of enterprise and enhance the competition ability of the enterprise. However the inner part of the enterprise makes use of the variety of system, platform, database and application etc. Now the enterprise faces new challenge, how to integrate and apply the information flow, it is become a new thinking direction of the enterprise. Therefore the enterprise information portal comes with the tide of trend. This research provides a method for constructing and evaluating the enterprise information portal, which is based on the theory of the Balanced Scorecard. The proposed methodology is validated by two real-world cases.
Keywords: Enterprise Information Portal;The Balanced Scorecard;Enterprise Application Integration;

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