
頁: 1-38
日期: 2005/07
摘要: 在知識經濟的時代,無形資產日益受到重視,知識管理也成為企業提升競爭力的利器。過去台灣對知識管理應用之研究,大多探討個別的產業、或對特定概念和理論的闡述,缺乏對台灣整體企業作較大規模的實證分析。本研究以問卷調查的方式,探討影響台灣全業導入和推動知識管理的因素,以及導入知識管理對企業經營績效的影響。研究結果顯示,資訊科技的應用程度是影響知識管理系統採用深度的最重要因素;而影響知識管理導入意願的因素依序為員工的參與程度、現有資訊科技的應用程度及產品管銷的複雜程度;其次,管理績效會受企業知識吸收機制及文件化機制的影響;財務績效則分別受知識吸收程度及新知創造程度的影響。最後,本研究亦發現不同特質的企業,在考量採用知識管理的程度及意願之影響因素時會有差異。
關鍵字: 知識管理;知識管理系統導入;資訊科技採用;企業績效;

Factors Affecting the Adoption of Knowledge Management

Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has become critical to maintaining competitive advantages in the business world. Most existing research focuses on general concepts or investigating applications in certain industry. Few studies have investigated factors that affect the adoption of knowledge management in Taiwanese enterprises. In this research, an empirical study was carried out to investigate factors that affect the adoption of KIVI and its impact on corporate performance. The results indicate that the most important factor for the adoption of KM is the maturity of information technology applications. The intention to adopt is affected by IT maturity and the complexity in management and marketing operations. Managerial performance is affected by the degree of formal documentation and knowledge acquisition mechanisms. Financial performance is affected by the degree of knowledge acquisition and knowledge discovery mechanism. Finally, different corporate characteristics also affect the adoption of KM.
Keywords: Knowledge Management;Knowledge Management System Adoption;Firm Performance;

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