
頁: 1-24
日期: 2005/04
摘要: 資訊管理學域的發展至今有三十餘年的歷史,伴隨著資訊科技的快速變化,資訊系統應用深入企業核心與個人生活,資訊管理研究方向與主題也快速變化。本文探討資管研究過去的歷程及未來發展的趨努,研究收集了1980年至2001年間八個主要國際資管學術期刊共3841篇,及國內資管學報的111篇論文進行分析,以瞭解這二十年來資訊管理研究主題與多樣性程度的變化趨勢,並與國內的資管學報論文比較。結果發現,在過去二十年來研究議題是不斷變動的,主要可以分為四個階段,不同階段各有不同的研究重點。藉由多元尺度分析,結果顯示過去資管研究有兩個明顯的演化趨勢,並發現「新資訊科技的引進」及「應用的需求」是兩個主要驅動力量,不斷的推動資管研究的演化過程。另外,我們也發現在研究主題和趨勢上,國內和國際趨勢相符的程度很高。
關鍵字: 資訊管理研究;趨勢分析;研究多樣性;資管核心;

Evolution of Information Systems Research

Abstract: In the past thirty years, the information systems (IS) area has rapidly evolved into a mature discipline. Applications of information systems have embedded into business core and personal life. The research topic and directions have also changed dynamically. To help IS professionals understand and catch on the trend, it is important to understand how research issues have evolved in the past and the driving forces underlying the evolution. In this research, we surveyed 3841 papers published between 1980 and 2001 in eight major international IS journals and 111 domestic research published in Journal of Information Management. Each paper was categorized into our framework according to its research theme. The results indicate an increase in human-related research and a decline in systems-related research. Moreover, two major trends are identified: one driven by system design issues (1980-1991) and the other driven by human factors and system applications (1992-2001). Two underlying forces behind the trends have been identified: they were new technology development and organizational needs. No significant difference is found between Taiwanese and international research papers.
Keywords: IS Research;Evolutionary Analysis;Research Diversity;IS Foundation;

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