
頁: 51-76
日期: 2004/10
摘要: 我國行政院衛生署疾病管制局執行國內疾病預防及維護國人保健防疫的工作,多年來即對國人自嬰幼兒開始,由基層衛生局所及合約醫療院所實施多種預防接種措施,並將預防接種分別記錄於其所屬縣市衛生局的全國預防接種資訊管理系統(National Immunization Information System, NIIS)資料庫中,為了更有效推動預防接種之工作成效,疾病管制局著手建置一個在中央集中控管的整合型全國預防接種中央資料庫系統。 本研究提出一個有效建置全國預防接種整合型中央資料庫系統及其更新問題解決的機制,從不同層面考量,提供以跨資料庫間的資訊整合架構為重要目的,將分散於各縣市衛生局、衛生所之預防接種相關資料庫進行整合並建置一個有效支援預種管理及決策分析之中央資料庫。系統雛型建置測試顯示,資料庫選擇性複製策略在運作上兼具系統整體效能及儲存成本;透過中繼資料處理對應交易紀錄檔之更新機制的自動化處理更提高了資料使用效益與資料取得效率,其效率對微軟之SQL資料庫管理系統進行標竿測試比較結果,在少量資料更新時,雖稍有遜色,但當資料量超過某一數量時,其效率則有超越之勢,但兩者並無明顯的差異。建置完成後,其效益評估顯示,它不僅可提供全國性預防接種快速進行統計分析的資訊化管理功能,更可對疫苗採購庫存管理及配送之最佳化規劃提供最完整的資料來源。
關鍵字: 整合型企業資料庫;全國預防接種資訊管理系統;分散式資料庫系統;中繼資料;更新機制;

A Pragmatic Empirical Study for Building an Integrated Enterprise Large-Scale Database with Its Refresh Mechanism-A Case Study for NIIS Integrated Central Database

Abstract: In order to prevent national disease and maintain national health, Center for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health, Executive Yuan, operates the mission of national immunization during the last decades. Currently, the immunization records of each individual are centrally recorded in the database of National Immunization Information System (NIIS) located at each country's and city's bureau of health. CDC attempts to implement a centralized and integrated database for NIIS to more effectively promote and operate the tasks of national preventive immunization. In this research, we present our implementing experience of building the integrated Central Database with its refresh mechanism for NIIS. The objective of this study is to provide an integrated central database implementing and refreshing framework to integrate inoculation relative databases that are distributed over and located at each bureau of health. The resulting benefits show that the system implementation of adopting a selective replication strategy for database design could have the advantages on both effectively enhancing system performance and reducing the computer storage cost. In additions, by using transaction logs with metadata mapping to build an automatic refresh mechanism could obtain better result of enhancing the data utilization and efficiency of data retrieval. We also conduct the benchmark testing with Microsoft SQL Server. The result shows when the transaction data are small, the refresh efficiency of our mechanism is a little bit worse, however, when transaction data are larger than a certain amount, our mechanism is apparently better than Microsoft SQL Server, but two systems have no significant difference. After completing the implementation, the central database may provide the functions of promptly generating the statistical analysis for national immunization, enhancing the completion rate of immunization, and conducting the optimal planning for vaccine procurement, inventory management, and distribution.
Keywords: Integrated Enterprise Database;National Immunization Information System;Distributed Database;Metadata;Refresh Mechanism;

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