頁: 105-129
日期: 2004/10
摘要: 本研究運用可延伸式標注語言(eXtensible Markup Language; XML)具異質系統間的資訊互通、結構性資料及跨平台等能力,提出一種以XML為基之資料轉換閘(XML-Based Data Gateway),可自動化將各地異質資料轉換成XML格式,然後利用Schema對XML文件進行資料修補、格式轉換、彙總資料、資料包裹等工作,整合成一致的格式和定義儲存於資料倉儲系統中,如此不僅減少建置資料倉儲系統時資料轉換工作的複雜與困難,同時亦可讓異質平台間的資料得以直接分享與交換,提高資料倉儲建置效率。
關鍵字: 資料倉儲;XML;決策支援;
Abstract: In this paper we proposed an XML-based data gateway that support enterprises developing an enterprise-wide data warehouse system. The gateway allows data warehouse developer automatic extracting data from distributed and heterogeneous data sources and translate them into XML documents, then the system use XML schema to validate (scrubbing, translation, summarizing, packing, etc.) the XML documents. Finally, the validated XML documents are translated into specific format stored in a data warehouse. The proposed gateway is expected to save enterprises much of manpower, money and time while enterprise develops an enterprise-wide data warehouse.
Keywords: Data Warehouse;XML;Decision Support;
瀏覽次數: 17662 下載次數: 248
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 105-129
日期: 2004/10
摘要: 本研究運用可延伸式標注語言(eXtensible Markup Language; XML)具異質系統間的資訊互通、結構性資料及跨平台等能力,提出一種以XML為基之資料轉換閘(XML-Based Data Gateway),可自動化將各地異質資料轉換成XML格式,然後利用Schema對XML文件進行資料修補、格式轉換、彙總資料、資料包裹等工作,整合成一致的格式和定義儲存於資料倉儲系統中,如此不僅減少建置資料倉儲系統時資料轉換工作的複雜與困難,同時亦可讓異質平台間的資料得以直接分享與交換,提高資料倉儲建置效率。
關鍵字: 資料倉儲;XML;決策支援;
An XML-Based Data Gateway for Building the Data Warehouse
Abstract: In this paper we proposed an XML-based data gateway that support enterprises developing an enterprise-wide data warehouse system. The gateway allows data warehouse developer automatic extracting data from distributed and heterogeneous data sources and translate them into XML documents, then the system use XML schema to validate (scrubbing, translation, summarizing, packing, etc.) the XML documents. Finally, the validated XML documents are translated into specific format stored in a data warehouse. The proposed gateway is expected to save enterprises much of manpower, money and time while enterprise develops an enterprise-wide data warehouse.
Keywords: Data Warehouse;XML;Decision Support;
瀏覽次數: 17662 下載次數: 248
引用 導入Endnote