
頁: 121-154
日期: 2004/07
摘要: 本研究擬實際應用具有「試題組成、考試管理、試後評估」功能之Triple-A (Assembling、Administrating、Appraising)架構的網路評量系統-「網際網路評量與試後分析系統WAIA (Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System)」來輔助生物科職前教師之師資訓練,用以評估網路模擬教學策略對師資培育的輔助效益與可行性。在為期四個月的研究過程中,已經修過「教育測.驗與評量」課程的30位職前教師,實際利用WATA系統在網路上執行與接受評量後發現:(1)受試者認為小MATA系統(形成性評量策略)的「重複做題」、「查詢他人成績」等功能對於學科知識的學習有良好的輔助效果、(2)受試者將更能掌握評量流程,以及願意運用正確的評量策略來掌握學習者的迷思概念以改善教學,除此之外,也更願意主動了解自己的命題缺失,以提升自己的命題水準;(3)受試者能跳脫出過去只依賴參考書或考古題等現有資源的窠臼,以較積極的態度來面對評量。(4)影響受試者未來實際於教學環境中應用網路評量的主因除了軟硬體資源的充足與否外,其他教師對教育的看法也是影響的主要因素。在未來,應該針對各項師資培育的需要,開發各種可「模擬教學」的網路工具(Web Tools),讓職前或實習教師親身使用,對同儕進行親身的模擬教學,如此對於師資培育訓練將有事半功倍的效果。
關鍵字: WATA Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System;網路評量;試後分析;師資培育;學科教學能力PCK;

Improving Preservice Teachers' Assessment Knowledge with a Web-based Assessment System

Abstract: This research intended to use WATA (Web-based Assessment and test Analysis System), equipped with Triple-A (Assembling, Administrating, and Appraising) module which meant the functions of 'assembling test', 'administrating test' and 'test analysis', practically in assistance to the teacher education of pre-service biology teachers, to evaluate the effectiveness and practicalities of the Web-Based Instruction strategy of being a simulated teacher on the internet to teacher education. In the 4-month research, 30 of the pre-service teachers, who have taken the course of ”Educational Test and Assessment,” continuously used WATA system to administrate tests to peers and take peers' test on the Internet. The findings are as follows. First, the participants pointed out those functions, such as ”answering questions repeatedly” and ”querying others' grades,” in WATA formative assessment module have positive effects to the absorption of biology knowledge. Second, the participants will be able to get hold of the standard assessment process more, and more willing to use correct assessment strategies to know learners' misconceptions and to improve teaching. Besides, the participants are more active in understanding the disadvantages of their own test items, and thus they can improve their item-construction abilities. Third, the participants can face the assessment more positively with wider ranges of selecting test items, not simply relying on reference books or the test papers in the past. Last but not least, the major reasons, which influence the subjects on the application of WATA to the actual instruction environment, are not only the adequate software and hardware resources but also the viewpoints of other teachers about education. In the future, to meet the needs of PCK training of teacher education, various online-instruction web tools of simulating teachers on the internet should be designed for pre-service teachers to actually practice alone or among peers. Thus, the training of PCK abilities will be greatly improved.
Keywords: WATA Web-based Assessment and Test Analysis System;Web-Based Assessment;Test Analysis;Teacher Education;Pedagogical Content Knowledge PCK;

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