
頁: 85-106
日期: 2003/07
摘要: 本研究針對企業在導入電子商務後,策略型態及行銷影響力對績效之影響做實證性的探討,主要目的在探討「集團經營特質」與「競爭差異策咯」對「行銷影響力」與「經營績效」之關連,並且以網路商店中的三大型態:網路書店、旅遊網站,及線上零售業為實證對象。研究結果顯示,網路商店業者採取集團支持或策略聯盟之方式來取得資源,在策略上則藉由結合差異化及競爭者導向以取得優勢,而行銷影響力在本架構扮演重要的中介變數,「集團經營特質」及「競爭差異策略」,將經由「行銷影響力」對「績效」產生影響。
關鍵字: 集團經營;差異化策略;競爭者導向;行銷影響力;電子商務;

The Impact of Conglomerate Typology and Strategy to Performance-An Empirical Study of on-line Stores

Abstract: The focus of this research is to discuss the strategy typology and the role of marketing's influence in the E-Commerce. In order to understand the impact of conglomerate typology and strategy to performance. The study will focus on three major on-line industries-on-line bookstores, travel web-sites, and on-line retail-and take an empirical analysis with the method of questionnaire. Results from the survey are follows: On-line stores get resources by conglomerate operation and strategic alliance, Combining the differentiation strategy and competitor orientation to take competitive advantages. Marketing's influence plays a mediating role, which enables conglomerate typology and strategy to influence business performance.
Keywords: Conglomerate Typology;Differentiation Strategy;Competitor Orientation;Marketing's influence;E-Commerce;

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