
頁: 1-22
日期: 2003/07
摘要: 隨著企業競爭環境之激烈,使用者需求愈加複雜,為了確保資訊系統發展的品質與效率,因而導入電腦輔助軟體工程(CASE)工具,以取代過去人工發展的方式,已是必然的趨勢。CASE工具主要在配合與協助系統發展方法論(SDM)之流程,因而CASE工具本身已提供特定方法論之使用,因此,若企業先前已採行各種不同類別的SDM,可能造成相容性的問題,是否會影響CASE工具導入的成效。其次,從文獻探討中,了解其它相關背景因素,諸如CASE工具的功能符合專案需求、發展者成熟度、管理者支持等,也在其關係之間扮演重要的角色。因此,本研究主要目的為:一、SDM分類與CASE工具成功導入之相容性問題;二、在其相容關係之間,相關背景因素之中介角色。實證結果顯示,整體而官,不同類別的SDM與CASE工具成功導入有顯著的影響,特別是未採用任何SDM,反而較容易產生相容性的問題;而相關背景因素扮演半中介的影響角色,特別是管理者角色的影響性最顯著。
關鍵字: 系統發展方法論;電腦輔助軟體工程;相容性;組織因素;

The Compatibility of Previously Adopting SDM to Introducing CASE Tool: An Understanding with the Moderator Role of Contextual Factors

Abstract: When business environment is becoming more and more competitive, user requirement for information system (IS) is increasingly complex. In order to make sure the quality and efficiency of IS development, the adoption of CASE tool to replace manual development is necessary and future trend. However, CASE tool itself provides specific system development methodology (SDM) as a framework for system development. Thus, the introduction of CASE tool could possibly incur the compatibility with the previous use of SDM in organizations. Subsequently, whether the compatibility will affect the success of introducing CASE tool, it deserves special concern. Furthermore, from the literature review, some of the contextual factors also play important roles in their relationship, such as developer maturity, management support, and CASE tool features and so forth. Therefore, the purpose of this study is twofold. The first is to explore the problem of compatibility between the previous use of SDM and introduction of CASE tool. The second is to discuss the moderator roles of the contextual factors in their relationship. The result indicates that there exists a significant relationship on the compatibility and particularly, none of use of SDM presents comparatively higher impact on the compatibility. The contextual factors generally play quasi-moderator roles in their relationship and particularly, the managerial role demonstrates the most influential factor in the process.
Keywords: SDM;CASE tool;Compatibility;Organizational factors;

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