
頁: 169-182
日期: 2003/01
摘要: 在現今網際網路普及的時代,為了建立一個安全的網路傳輸環境,使秘密資訊在網路上能夠被安全的傳輸。先前許多的學者已提出許多的資料保護法,大致上可區分為兩類,一為將資料先進行加密傳輸,再進行解密輸出的「資料加密法」,另一類為將秘密資訊隱藏在備藏資料裡的「資訊隱藏法」。本文試著提出一種新的作法,藉著一張圖片,配合內含之中英文的說明文字,去建立代碼數字索引表格;再將欲隱藏的秘密資訊,轉成代碼的形式。並根據代碼數字索引表格,可將秘密資訊的代碼轉成數字索引檔,最後將其數字索引檔藏入我們傳輸的圖片中。如此一來,在所有的傳輸過程中,傳送的資料都是可見的明文及圖片,不易被非法者懷疑,又可隱藏大量的秘密資訊。
關鍵字: 資訊安全;資料加密法;資訊隱藏法;

A Scheme of Non-sensible Document in Transit with Secret Hiding

Abstract: In now knowledge explosive era, the message transmission is so rapid and convenient via Internet propagation. For the grade of confidential document, however, we need to pay much attention to the message transit in network systems so as to safeguard the secrecy and integrity. Basically, there are two catalogs to encrypt the secret message, one the data encryption cipher, the other one is the information hiding cipher. In this paper, the later one with the information hiding manner is used to embed the secret message into a host image. According to the content of this chosen host image, the bilingual words associated with this image are used to build the index tables which are the relations between the bilingual words and the confidential document. Afterwards, all index tables are embedded into the host image and only this embedded image is required to transit in the network systems. In such a way, all messages transmitted in the network are kind of visible forms, not random-number forms. Comparing to the previous literatures, a general image is transmitted only instead of the cipher documents suspicious to network interceptors. Apparently, the intentional attacks by those who focus on the random-form messages are evitable. Therefore, a novel and efficient scheme aiming at hiding confidential document is achieved in this paper.
Keywords: Information Hiding;Security;Cryptography;Steganography;

瀏覽次數: 6616     下載次數: 64

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