
頁: 129-145
日期: 2003/01
摘要: 學校圖書館圖書介購之預算分配方式,長久以來係採師生點數總合以求得分配比重的模式做為介購預算的基礎,然而,部份預算須以借閱狀況做為分配的基準,使其反映在更適合的需求上,以進一步突顯介購預算的使用價值。本研究以此為研究動機,提出一個以資料探勘為機制的預算分配模式(Data Mining Based Budget Allocation Model, DMBAM),做為協助圖書館分析借閱資料以求得介購預算之用。DMBAM的主要輸出為一介購預算比重表及最終的預算值,它係依據兩部份的資訊來決定:(1)由熵值(entropy)衍生描述性知識,據以得到借閱館藏種類的集中程度;(2)由館藏的利用績效值,據以得到介購與使用的關連度。本研究並描述DMBAM用於一科技大學之實際應用個案,由應用個案發現,介購預算值並不依借閱數而定,而是受借閱館藏的集中程度與借閱關連度的影響。
關鍵字: 決策支援;介購預算分配;資料探勘;

Supporting Library Acquisition Budget Allocation Decision via Circulation Database Mining

Abstract: The existing model that is used to derive a weight table for library acquisition budget allocation is based primarily on the members that departments present. However, when the problem of making the acquired materials more obvious is concerned with, it is necessary to analyze the circulation databases in more depth to reflect that the acquisition budget should be allocated more appropriately. In this paper, a model, Data Mining Based Budget Allocation Model (DMBAM) is presented to help library acquisition budget allocation by employing the data mining technique. The mined knowledge mainly contains two parts. One is the utilized category concentration via entropy, and the other is connection via utilization gain. Derived from the mined knowledge, the main output of the DMBAM is a weight table used as a basis of acquisition budget allocation and final allocated budget. The presented DMBAM was supported by a practical application. It was found that the final allocated budget was greatly influenced by both concentration and connection, rather than the number of utilized materials.
Keywords: Decision Support;Acquisition Budget Allocation;Data Mining;

瀏覽次數: 5044     下載次數: 49

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