
頁: 39-61
日期: 2002/07
摘要: 網際網路與電子商務的蓬勃發展為企業帶來巨大商機,同時也使產業結構逐漸發生變動。面對這些產業變動與龐大的企業商機,沈寂一時的供應鏈績效及成員合夥關係再度被重視與探討。以網際網路為基礎的電子商務其主要優點是在其能迅速、有效地整合資訊,並使資訊能以互動式交流。然此優點係使供應鏈績效提升、成員合夥關係更加緊密?抑或因交易成本與轉換成本的減少,而導致供應鏈成員間合夥關係的凝聚力下降?電子商務與網際網路運用(企業e化)是否會影響供應鏈成員合夥關係之構面,甚至改變供應鏈成員合夥關係之構面?其次、是否會因為企業e化程度之不同而使供應鏈成員合夥關係對供應鏈績效之影響產生改變?此皆為本研究欲探討之議題。本研究主要目的即在回答上述重要問題,並提出若干實務上的建議供業者參考。
關鍵字: 電子商務;供應鏈管理;合夥關係;績效評估;實證研究;

The Impacts of e-Business Activities on Supply Chain Partnership and Performance

Abstract: The rapid development of e-commerce and Internet activities not only has provided firms with great growth opportunities, but also brought about drastic structural changes in the business network. In light of the structural changes and growth opportunities, the notion of partnership among firms in the supply chain once again becomes a central topic and receives a great deal of attention from practitioners and researchers. One major advantage of Internet-based e-commerce is fast and efficient integration and exchange of information. The relationship among supply-chain partners could thus become closer; however, the subsequent reduction in transaction cost and switching cost might weaken the cohesion of the supply-chain network. Our research intends to examine how the adoption of ecommerce affects the supply chain performance as well as the interaction among supply chain members. Specifically, we address the strategic role of e-commerce adoption in moderating the influence of partnership on customer satisfaction and supply chain performance.
Keywords: e-commerce;supply chain management;partnership;performance;empirical study;

瀏覽次數: 9474     下載次數: 83

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