
頁: 101-116
日期: 2002/02
摘要: 全民健保實施之後,醫院必須同時考量營運成本與醫療品質。以往資訊管理的研究指出,採用資訊科技可以使企業以最小之成本得到較佳的品質。醫療產業屬於資訊高度密集的產業,然而與其相關的資訊管理研究卻不多見。雖然,資訊管理在其它產業有進行各種相關議題的研究,但這些結論不一定能完全適用於醫療產業。因此以資訊管理的角度,針對醫療產業來探討資訊科技應用之相關議題是必要的。目前國內資訊管理學者從事醫療產業方面的研究仍然不多,本論文期望藉由所提出之醫療資訊管理系統的未來研究議題,能夠引起其他資訊管理學者的迴響,以共同從事此方面的研究。
關鍵字: 醫學資訊學;醫療資訊系統;醫院資訊系統;

Research Issues in Healthcare Information Systems

Abstract: After implementation of the National Healthcare Insurance policy in Taiwan, hospitals have to consider minimizing operating costs and to maintain the same level of medical quality in conducting daily operations. Previous MIS studies indicated that information technology (IT) is able to improve organizations' operating efficacy with the minimum costs. Although the healthcare industry is an IT intensive business, very few MIS related studies have been conducted in this particular area. There are many MIS related studies to be conducted in various types of industry, the results of these studies are not necessary true for the healthcare industry due to the unique characteristics of the healthcare industry. Thus, more studies in MIS perspectives are needed in the healthcare industry. The purpose of this paper is to propose the potential research issues in healthcare information systems.
Keywords: Medical Informatics;Healthcare Information Systems;Hospital Information Systems;

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