
頁: 91-106
日期: 2002/01
摘要: 本研究以partial order表示資訊資源與存取權限,並繪製存取控制權限關係圖,以幫助資訊管理人員有效控管資訊資源存取。良好的圖形介面,是簡化資訊安全控管的利器。目前各種應用系統提供的存取控制功能,尚無完整友善的圖形介面,本研究將針對此一缺失,提出更友善的另類圖形介面,並以實作之方式展現,使資源存取控制的管理簡化。
關鍵字: 存取控制;使用者介面;資源管理;

The Study of Building a Visual Access Control Model

Abstract: We present information resources and their access control in partial orders and diagrams for easy and effective access control. A good graphic interface is a powerful tool for simplifying information management. However, in current application systems, integrated and user-friendly graphic interfaces are not provided for access control. Therefore, for the lack of such interfaces, we create a visual access control model. We also demonstrate our idea of simplifying access control management through a simple prototype.
Keywords: Access Control;User Interface;Resource Management;

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