
頁: 123-142
日期: 2001/07
摘要: 在各種網路服務日趨成熟的情況下,網路已儼然成為今日的新興媒體。然而由於網路資訊的豐富及多樣化,使得有些資訊在推廣過程中造成諸多的困擾,特別是許多教育單位或公司行號都面臨了『如何管制網路資源』的難題。網路分級的主要想法是希望能讓一般使用者,能夠經由一個公開、客觀的評分系統所提供的資訊,來選擇他們所想要的電子媒體,如電子遊戲,全球資訊網站等,以有效的達到各取所需的目標,並減少不必要的搜尋時間及網路頻寬的浪費。特別是未成年人的家長,更是希望能藉由此機制保護其兒童不受不良資訊的污染。在本篇論文中,我們參考國內外網路分級機制及研究結果,提出一個網路分級架構圖,並因應初期推廣分級的需要,提出自動化分級概念及演算法。我們實際以JAVA語言在NT Server上建立一套自動分級系統,來驗證這套理論,並以實際網站進行分級測試。
關鍵字: 網路分級;WWW;PICS;PSACi;模糊理論;

Development of an Automatic Web-site Rating System

Abstract: As techniques of communications progress, computer network has become a popular media; however, the plenty and variable information on computer networks also confuse the educational departments and some companies owing to the improper material (e.g., sex or violence) included. Rating of web sites is a good idea to inform each network user what are going to be presented, which not only guides a user to access the desired contents efficiently, but also prevents the user from activating unnecessary searches on computer networks. In this paper, we propose a web-site rating system, which can automatically rate web-sites according to its contents. An algorithm for automatic web-site rating and some related techniques are also introduced.
Keywords: Web-site Rating;WWW;PICS;RSACi;Fuzzy Theory;

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