
頁: 39-62
日期: 2001/01
摘要: 近年來,國內醫療產業面臨經營型態的巨幅變遷,醫學影像儲傳系統(PACS)已被大部分醫院用來提高競爭力的利器之一。相較於其他資訊系統,PACS乃一重大的投資,除了需要投入龐大的資金外,PACS必須與其他資訊系統進行整合。以往資訊管理的學者雖曾對於一般企業導入資訊科技的關鍵因素進行研究,但針對醫院導入與建置PACS的關鍵因素之深入研究仍然不足。再者,醫療單位為非營利事業,對於影響其採用資訊科技之關鍵因素是否相同於其他產業,亦是值得深入探討的議題。本文主要透過文獻彙總分析與個案研究的方式找出影響醫院採用PACS之關鍵因素,並以台中榮民總醫院為個案,從醫院內部、環境、廠商、醫護人員等四個層面進行深入分析探討影響國內醫院在採用PACS的關鍵因素。本文主要的貢獻包括醫院導入PACS之整體研究模式的提出、以台中榮總為個案修正此一模式、針對國內目前PACS的發展現狀作一研究調查、並提供國內醫院導入PACS的參考與學術上後續深入研究的基礎。
關鍵字: 資訊科技;醫學影像儲傳系統PACS;關鍵因素;個案研究;研究模式醫療單位採用醫學影像儲傳系統關鍵因素之研究;

Critical Factors of Establishing Picture Archiving and Communication Systems: Tai-Chung Veteran General

Abstract: For the past few years hospitals in Taiwan have experienced dramatic changes in operating environment, CEOs of hospitals need to consider the efficiency of operating. PACS has been recognized as a strategic weapon for hospitals to improve competitive power. Unlike other information systems, PACS needs a lot of budges (average from 200 to 300 million NT dollars) to establish a full scale one. In addition, the integration of PACS with existing HIS is the most dramatic challenge for MIS departments. Although a lot of research has been conducted to investigate the critical factors to set up information systems, very little research has been conducted in the area of PACS. In addition, Medicare industry is very unique. Thus, there is always a reasonable suspect about those critical factors are different. The purpose of this study is to develop a model for establishing PACS based on literature review. Furthermore, with the Tai-Chung VGH case to validate this model. A survey was also conducted to indicate the current applications of PACS in Taiwan. The results of this study can be used as a basis for further studies and references for hospitals to consider how to adopt PACS.
Keywords: Information Technology;Picture Archiving and Communication Systems PACS;Successful Factors;Case Study;Research Model;

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