
頁: 71-84
日期: 2000/07
摘要: 「門診醫療資訊系統」是醫院電腦化的第一步,其所建立的資料是醫院整體醫療資訊作業電腦化資料庫的一部份,可作為成本分析、病患疾病分析、及保險申報的主要依據,此外門診醫療作業的收入,也是醫院最主要的收益來源。因此,門診醫療作業電腦化的良窳,對醫院經營效率的影響非常大。然而目前大多數的門診醫療資訊系統在病患過多時,會造成資料傳輸網路的擁塞,所以我們亟需應用新的軟體技術來克服此問題。代理人程式(Agent),它具有人工智慧,並且可以依據人們的指令,遊走於網路之間,完成交付之任務,且能協助我們做繁瑣且循環工作,因此若是將它用在門診醫療作業電腦上,不但可以減少網路的交通流量、主機的負擔,更可以提高作業效率。本文即介紹代理人程式在門診醫療資訊系統的設計與應用。
關鍵字: 代理人程式;門診醫療資訊作業系統;效能分析;智慧型程式;

The Application of Agent Software in Out-patient Medical Information System

Abstract: Most modern Out-patient Medical Information Systems (OPMIS) are based on the hospital's LAN, thus inherit the drawback of poor system performance during burst network traffic period. To overcome this problem, we adopt the agent software, rather than traditional client-server technology, to construct the OPMIS. The mobile agents carry the patient data and move around the stationary agents which reside on the registration site, clinic site and so on. In the context, we not only give the architecture of the overall system and the block diagram of mobile and stationary agents, the performance comparison between the agent-based approach and the conventional client-server approach of OPMIS is also presented.
Keywords: Agent;Out-Patient Medical Information System;Performance analysis;Intelligent program;

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