
頁: 173-195
日期: 2000/07
摘要: 為瞭解電子商務課程推動情形,本研究調查美國、加拿大、澳洲與我國大學的電子商務學程規劃現況與發展方向,並分析整理電子商務課程規劃之內容,供國內各大學未來電子商務學程與課程規劃之參考。 結果顯示電子商務是資訊管理的一個重要發展方向,有電子商務學程之大學比例以美國最高,台灣則最低。目前的電子商務學程規劃可分為「專業導向」及「管理導向」兩個主要方向。專業導向學程對技術課程的重視較管理導向學程為高,但兩者都重視電子商務科技與網路等課程。最後本研究亦討論電子商務學程對資訊管理教育的影響。
關鍵字: 電子商務;課程規劃;資訊管理教育;

Development of Electronic Commerce Curriculum and Information Management Education

Abstract: This study investigates the status of electronic commerce (EC) curriculum in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Taiwan. An analysis of courses offered in different programs is performed. The result indicates that EC has become an important part of information management education. The percentage of schools offering EC programs is 28% in the United States, and only 8% in Taiwan. Most programs are offered at the master level. They may be either technology-oriented or management-oriented. Both offer certain common courses such as EC technology and Internet Communication.
Keywords: Electronic commerce;Curriculum Development;Information Management Education;

瀏覽次數: 5188     下載次數: 56

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