
頁: 137-154
日期: 2000/07
摘要: 一般的決策支援系統大都採經驗基礎的決策支援或理論基礎的決策支援,前者雖能提供實際資料給決策者,但其建置成本較高,後者則僅能提供理論上的資料給決策者參考。由於陳列空間配置問題的繁雜,此二類決策支援系統均無法對其決策提供有效的支援,因此本研究將二種決策支援觀念加以整合,建構了一個彈性的決策支援模式,並以此模式來發展陳列空間配置的決策支援系統。在分析陳列空間配置的決策活動及資訊需求後,本研究提出一個陳列空間配置的決策支援模式,以作為開發其決策支援系統的依據;接著即基於此彈性決策支援模式,建立陳列空間配置決策支援系統的觀念架構,並介紹一個依此架構發展的雛型系統。
關鍵字: 決策支援系統;彈性決策支援模式;陳列空間配置;

The Flexible Decision-Support Model Integrating Experience with Theory-A Case Study of Decision Support System for Shelf-Space Allocation

Abstract: Decision support system (DSS) uses experience-based or theory-based model of decision support generally. The former provides empirical data to the decision-maker with higher implementation cost, but the latter can only provide the theoretical data for reference, and both cannot provide effective support to the complicated shelf-space allocation problems. Therefore, this study constructs a flexible decision-support model by integrating these two kinds of decision-support concepts, and uses it to develop a DSS system for shelf-space allocation. Having analyzed the decision activities and information demand of shelf-space allocation, a decision-support model for shelf-space allocation is proposed. A conceptual framework of the DSS for shelf-space allocation is then established based on this flexible model, and a prototype system that is developed according to the framework is also introduced.
Keywords: decision support systems DSS;flexible decision-support model;shelf-space allocation;

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