
頁: 1-25
日期: 2022/01
摘要: 無為慣性是當人們錯過一個相對有吸引力的機會,他們就較不會對當前的機會採取行動的現象。本研究探討機會來源、善因行銷、以及正向線上口碑對線上購物無為慣性之影響,並於亞馬遜人力外包平台MTurk進行線上實驗,並以ANOVA進行資料分析。研究結果顯示,當消費者錯過較佳的促銷機會後,當前的次佳促銷機會(1)來自同一購物平台的無為慣性效果,會大於不同購物平台(實驗1-1);(2)使用善因行銷可以降低無為慣性(實驗1-2)。此外,若目前的次佳購物優惠是來自不熟悉的網路購物平台,當消費者搜尋到其線上口碑多數是正向時,可以降低其無為慣性(實驗2)。由於線上和線下的購物情境仍然存在一些差異,在機會來源方面,本研究確認之前於線下購物的無為慣性的研究結果仍適用於線上購物。此外,我們將善因行銷與線上口碑的研究擴展至無為慣性,且發現其可以有效地降低無為慣性,也豐富了無為慣性的文獻。在實務上,線上購物平台業者可以參考本研究結果來降低無為慣性,以增加經營績效。
關鍵字: 線上購物;無為慣性;善因行銷;線上口碑;

Impact of Cause-Related Marketing and Positive Online Word-of-Mouth on Inaction Inertia - A Case of Online Shopping

Abstract: Purpose- This study examines the impact of opportunity sources, cause-related marketing, and positive online word-of-mouth on consumer inaction inertia in the online shopping. Design/methodology/approach- We conducted online experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) and analyzed the data using ANOVA. Findings- The results show that inaction inertia decreased when the current opportunity (1) is from different sources (Experiment 1-1), (2) adopts a cause-related marketing campaign (Experiment 1-2), and (3) has positive online word-of-mouth (Experiment 2). Research limitations/implications- The donation target of the cause-related marketing designed in this study was the well-known Red Cross, so the impact of the donation organization chosen for cause-related marketing on inaction inertia needs to be further investigated. In addition, this study only explored the impact of positive online word-of-mouth on inaction inertia; the impact of neutral or negative online word-of-mouth on inaction inertia can be further studied in the future. Moreover, we only investigated consumers' inaction inertia for coffee beans, future research could examine this issue for different kinds of products. Practical implications- Online shopping platform operators can further understand consumers' online shopping behavior, and can refer to the findings of this study to reduce inertia and increase business performance. Originality/value- Since there are still some differences between online and offline shopping contexts, the results of this study confirm that the previous findings on inaction inertia in offline shopping are still applicable to online shopping in terms of opportunity sources. In addition, we extend the study of cause-related marketing and positive online word-of-mouth to inaction inertia and find that they are effective in reducing inaction inertia, which also enriches the literature of inaction inertia.
Keywords: Online shopping; inaction inertia; cause-related marketing; online word-of-mouth;

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