
頁: 27-44
日期: 2022/01
摘要: 近年來網路上流傳大量衛生教育謠言已為醫療照護人員帶來嚴重困擾,不實謠言除了誤導病患、造成恐慌外,更可能造成錯誤用藥、延誤治療等嚴重後果,更甚者,還可能造成醫病關係惡化,傷害醫師與醫院形象, 因此發展新的闢謠與防範機制成為急需研究的重要議題。關於謠言防範,醫療機構雖提供正確衛教宣導, 但侷於人力與資源不足, 成效有限, 而人工智慧技術快速發展為此問題帶新的解決方向。本研究運用深度學習技術BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)發展新一代衛教謠言檢測系統。實作上,首先收集包括衛福部等15個政府與民間單位衛教謠言資料,經資料前處理後,運用BERT 結合Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) 進行模型訓練與驗証,最後將此BERT-BiLSTM闢謠模型佈署於Line聊天機器人上供使用者試用。實驗結果顯示本研究提出之BERT-BiLSTM模式可準確辨識出90% 的衛教謠言,本研究成果將有助於緩解醫護人員衛教解說時間不足、與滿足民眾查證衛教資訊之需求。
關鍵字: BERT;深度學習;衛生教育;謠言檢測;

A study on using BERT to identify health care rumors

Abstract: The circulation of numerous health care rumors on the internet in recent years has become extremely troublesome for medical and healthcare personnel. False rumors have misled patients, created panic, and even resulted in medication misuse and delayed treatment. They may also cause deteriorating doctor-patient relationships and tarnish the images of doctors and hospitals. Developing new mechanisms to dispel and prevent rumors has thus become an imperative issue in research. Although medical institutions promote accurate health education, limited labor and resources limit their effectiveness. The rapid progress in artificial intelligence technology is offering a new direction to solve this problem. This study employed BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), a deep learning technique, to develop the new generation alert system for health care rumors. First of all, we collected the materials of health care rumors from 15 private organizations and government agencies, including the Ministry of Health and Welfare. After data preprocessing was done, we used BERT combined with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) to conduct a model training and validation. Lastly, we deployed the BERT-BiLSTM model in Line chatbot so some LINE users can try it. The experiment result showed that the proposed model can identify as high as 90% of the health care rumors in social media. The research results will help to alleviate the burden relating to healthcare promotion by health professionals and to meet the public’s needs to search for the correct health information.
Keywords: BERT, deep learning technique, health education, rumor detection;

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