
頁: 181-202
日期: 2009/01
摘要: 創造力可為團隊帶來許多效益。然而,團隊創造力的產生,則有賴於成員間的知識分享。本研究從知識基礎與團隊學習觀點出發,除了探討知識分享方式對於團隊創造力的影響外;進一步地,更剖析團隊學習能力在知識分享方式與團隊創造力關係間所產生的干擾效果。本研究以台灣高科技公司之團隊為調查對象,蒐集65個團隊資料進行分析,結果發現:在不考慮其他干擾因素的情況下,「人際互動」知識分享方式是影響團隊創造力的重要因素。再則,團隊學習能力之知識吸收能力在「科技/文件」、「實際體驗」知識分享方式與團隊創造力關係間存在顯著的干擾效果。最後,本文針對所獲結果加以討論,以提供學術界與實務界參考。
關鍵字: 知識分享;團隊學習;團隊創造力;

The Impact of Knowledge Sharing Types and Team Learning Capability on Team Creativity

Abstract: Creativity is important in teamwork because it leads to many benefits. However, creative teams result from knowledge sharing among members. This article investigates the effects of knowledge sharing types on team creativity and then analyzes the influence of the team learning capability on team creativity of knowledge sharing in teams. By examining 65 teams collected from high-technology firms in Taiwan. We test direct and moderated relationships between knowledge sharing types with team creativity. Results show that only interpersonal interaction knowledge sharing type has a direct effect on team creativity. Furthermore, the result shows that team learning capability (i.e., knowledge discrimination and knowledge application) have effects on the relationship between technology/documentation knowledge sharing type and actual experience knowledge sharing type. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Keywords: Knowledge sharing;Team learning;Team creativity;

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