
林子銘 ; 李淑芳;
頁: 39-52
日期: 1996/06
摘要: 資訊系統外包由於具有節省成本,減少風險等優點,近年來已逐漸受到企業經理人的注意和興趣。而本研究則以資訊系統外包決策考慮因素為主要的研究議題,討論各因素在發包商制定外包決策時的重要性及影響程度,並探討不同決策集群的特性和其間的差異性。希望透過此研究能夠對台灣地區資訊系統外包市場有一整體性的瞭解。
關鍵字: 臺灣; 決策考慮因素; 資訊系統外包;

Decision Factor of IS Outsourcing in Taiwan

Abstract: In Recent years, information System(IS) outsourcing is attracking more attentions of business managers because of its low-cost and low-risk characteristics. This study is focusing on the decision factors of IS outsourcing. The topic includes disscussion of the importance and inffential power of each different decision factor and the characteristics of different outsourcing decision-making groups. Finally, through this study, we can find the decision factors of IS outsourcing in Taiwan.
Keywords: Taiwan; Decision factor; IS outsourcing;;

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