
頁: 55-75
日期: 1999/01
摘要: 本文根據知識與文化理論,提出企業知識管理系統分析程序,以協助企業建立知識管理系統。此過程係以文化及知識操作流程的觀點分析組織知識結構,並且結合物件導向技術,作為系統實作的基礎。本研究並針對企業內不同文化團隊的知識性工作,提出標準模組化的物件:「知識代理人」,進而建立「網狀知識結構」,以促進知識創造的動態關係,其中代理人的架構代表了不同次文化團隊的需求。而網狀的知識結構則聯結了知識代理人及企業日常營運活動的物件模式。最後並以行銷公司為例,建置系統的分析雛型,作為探討與印證知識管理系統分析程序的可行性。
關鍵字: 知識管理系統;文化知識;知識代理人;網狀知識模式;物件導向技術 ;
Abstract: Based on organizational knowledge and culture theories, we proposed an analysis process of the knowledge management system in a business. The process implants the knowledge management mechanism in operational activities. The method analyzed organiza-tional knowledge structure as culture knowledge in a culture aspect, and used object-oriented technology to implement the knowledge management system. According to the knowledge works of different cultural grouping in a business, our research proposed stan-dardized objects as knowledge agents. In addition, we propose a "knowledge network struc-ture" to enable the dynamic relationships among agents for knowledge creation. Knowledge agents represent the requirements of culture groupings and the knowledge network struc-ture connects agents and object models for daily operations. Finally, we illustrated the anal-ysismodels of knowledge management system with the marketing corporation.
Keywords: Knowledge management system;Culture knowledge;Knowledge agent;Knowledge network model;Object-oriented technology ;

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