
頁: 77-90
日期: 1999/01
摘要: "由於一般公司希望降低資訊系統的成本並提高其運作的績效,因此借用外邊具有經濟規模的資源以達成目的,資訊系統委外(outsourcing )方式遂逐漸興起,並成為資訊系統管理上的關鍵項目之一,但實際成效則眾說紛耘。 一般公司決定委外的方式大多以成本面或策略面來加以考量,學術界則以交易成本經濟(transaction cost economics )和策略性資源決策程序(strategic sourcing process )來加以解釋,但根據這兩種方式進行委外後,很少研究指出其所獲致的效益為何。 本論文則透過實證,探討委外方式是否如預期般比內部作業更能獲得較好的績效,並研究利用交易成本理論和資源決策程序所進行的委外系統,是否也如預期般的,得到更好的預期效果。 又委外的項目繁多,各種項目的績效程度和判斷準則皆有所不同,因此本研究選擇在資訊系統委外項目中最為頻繁的應用軟體開發做為研究項目。 經過實證分析的結果,在及時性和成本的項目上,支持了委外作業比內部作業能夠獲得較好績效的假說,但在品質的項目則無法獲得較好的績效。使用交易成本理論來做為委外的決策判斷時,高特定資產和低特定資產在績效上並無明顯差異。利用資源決策程序來決定系統委外時,策略性和日常性系統,在成本和品質上沒有明顯差異,在及時性上,策略性系統反更能獲得較好的績效,顯示以交易成本理論和資源決策程序做為決策的依據,與最後系統本身的績效關聯度不大,而應考量其它的影響因素。"
關鍵字: 應用軟體開發;資訊系統委外;交易成本經濟;策略性資源決策程序 ;
Abstract: "Information systems outsourcing, i.e., getting the product or service by using the resources of outsiders with scale of economics for decreasing the cost and for increasing the performances, has become a critical issue of information systems management. However, the performances of information systems outsourcing are still not clear. Most of the decision of outsourcing based on two dimensions, one is the cost and the other is strategy. Academy researchers explain outsourcing decisions with the theories of transaction cost economics and' strategic sourcing process. However, there are little empiri-cal researches to verify either one of the two theories. The paper explores empirically whether the performances of outsourcing are better than that of insourcing and point out the differences about the performances between those outsourcing systems based on transaction cost economics and between those based on strate-gic sourcing process. There are many outsourcing areas, each with different criteria to judge its effective-ness. We chose the software development area as the study subject because it is most frequently outsourced. The results showed that outsourcing was better than insourcing on on-time and low-cost dimensions., but it fared no better on quality dimension. For those outsourcing systems which are based on transaction cost economics, the performance of high asset speci-ficity and that of low asset specificity make no differences. For those outsourcing systems which are based on strategic sourcing process, the performances of commodity systems and that of strategic systems are not different on cost and quality dimensions. Furthermore, strategic systems perform better than commodity systems in terms of punctuality. There-fore, we know that there are not evident connections between the performances of informa-tion systems and decisions by employing transaction cost economics or strategic sourcing. If we want to increase the performances, we need to consider another factors."
Keywords: Application software development;Information systems outsourcing;Transaction cost economics;Strategic sourcing process ;

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