
頁: 91-109
日期: 1999/01
摘要: 對超文件系統而言,使用者瀏覽行為分析對系統的存取控制,扮演著舉足輕重的角色。特別是在現今網際網路(Internet)資訊安全呼聲日趨高漲的時代,關於使用者瀏覽行為分析更有其深入探討的必要。在研究對象方面,我們以現今使用最為普遍的全球資訊網(World- Wide Web, 簡稱為WWW)超文件系統為探討對象。本研究最主要的貢獻,乃在於 為超文件瀏覽行為分析,提出一以裴氏網路(Petri Net)為理論依據的形式模型(Forma1 Modeh),並在此形式模型輔助之下,利用本研究所提出的「可到達圖」(Reachability Graph)為分析工具,於超文件系統建置之前的系統分析、系統設計階段,即可完成使用者瀏覽行為分析工作,以利系統設計者完成符合安全控制需求的超文件系統。
關鍵字: 全球資訊網;超文件瀏覽行為;模型化與分析;裴氏網路;可到達圖 ;
Abstract: The users' browsing behaviors of a hypertext system are closely related to the access control and the audit of the system. For a hypertext system, therefore, the modeling and analysis of the users' browsing behaviors are very important. Specially, for the sake of secu-rity guarantee in this Internet age, it is worth of being given more attention to the manage-ment issue. In this study, we take the World-Wide Web (WWW) as the target system for exploring the modeling and analysis of hypertext browsing behaviors. We use Petri net and reachability graph to model the analysis task of hypertext browsing. Based on the proposed hypertext-browsing models, we can finish the work before system implementation.
Keywords: World-wide web;WWW;Hypertext browsing;Modeling and analysis;Petri net;Reachability graph ;

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