
頁: 109-126
日期: 2008/04
摘要: 追求汽車本身的外觀、性能、品質、安全與舒適感,一直是汽車業者爭取顧客購買的主要策略之一。然而,競爭的結果使得業者間產品同質性高。本文以裕隆汽車為個案對象,裕隆汽車致力於發掘汽車駕駛人潛在需求後發現,汽車消費者移動中的需求被忽略。對移動中的需求進一步區分為靜態與即時動態兩大需要。為滿足客戶需求,裕隆汽車隨即展開一連串的產品設計、定位與組合工作,推出「TOBE行動資訊系統」以滿足消費者對移動的需要。TOBE行動資訊系統的推出,是裕隆汽車突破產品同質性競爭的機會。本個案以TOBE行動資訊系統為探討標的,將從消費者需求、創新產品的組合設計與產品定位,探討汽車產品差異化的經營作法。
關鍵字: 創新;產品定位;產品組合;創新獲利;互補資產;

YULON Motor: Being the Leader of Auto Moving Value Chain in Chinese Marketplace

Abstract: In order to keep selling cars, automobile companies endeavored to enhance the following attributes: appearance, function, quality, safety, comfort, etc. However, it made products homogenously in auto marketplace. This paper takes YULON Motor as the case. After exploring the latent demand of drivers, YULON Motor found that the need in moving process was ignored, and it would separate into static and real-time dynamic demands. In order to content the needs of customers, YULON Motor aimed for product designing, product positioning and product mix. The TOBE Mobility Information System is to content the moving demand of customers. The TOBE Mobility Information System is a chance to get rid of competition of homogenous products for YULON Motor. This study uses TOBE Mobility Information System as objective. In order to explore the differentiation strategy in automobile marketplace, we discuss these parts of consumer need, designing and positioning on innovation products.
Keywords: Innovation;product positioning;product mix;profit from innovation;complementary assets;

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