
頁: 369-396
日期: 2022/10
摘要: 本研究以智慧型手機瀏覽網頁所顯示的廣告,探討了在行動廣告中,廣告形式與廣告內容對於廣告效果(廣告注意力、廣告態度、廣告記憶力)的影響,以及探討不同涉入程度的瀏覽者,是否會調節廣告形式與廣告內容對廣告效果之影響。本研究以實驗室實驗法進行,採用2 (跳窗式廣告vs橫幅廣告) X 2 (個人化vs非個人化) 因子設計,建立一個虛擬行動網頁及廣告供受測者測試,以問卷來衡量受測者的廣告態度、廣告記憶,與產品涉入程度;另外,利用眼動儀追蹤受測者廣告注意力。本研究共70位受測者參與實驗,排除無效問卷及眼動校正無法通過者7位,共63位有效受測者資料。研究結果發現(1)個人化廣告提升廣告效果(2)跳窗個人化廣告較橫幅個人化廣告注意力與廣告記憶佳,但廣告態度一樣(3)跳窗非個人化廣告與橫幅非個人化之廣告注意力與廣告記憶都無法提升,且跳窗非個人化廣告態度較差(4)跳窗個人化廣告對高產品涉入程度的消費者產生較佳的廣告注意力,但廣告態度與廣告記憶力無影響。本研究在廣告效果部分,加入廣告注意力的討論,以訊息處理面向探討廣告效果,豐富傳統廣告效果衡量。本研究結果可供行動廣告業者進行廣告設計與廣告位置擺放之參考,以增進行動廣告成效。
關鍵字: 跳窗式廣告;橫幅式廣告;個人化;廣告效果;產品涉入;眼動儀;

The effectiveness of personalization. A comparison between personalized pop-up and banner advertisement in the mobile context.

Abstract: This study examines the impacts of smartphone ad content (personalized vs non-personalized) and ad type (banner and pop-up) on ad effects (i.e. ad attention, ad attitude, and ad recall). Moreover, the moderating effect of product involvement is investigated. A 2 (ad content: personalized vs. non-personalized) × 2 (ad type: banner vs. pop-up) experiment is conducted through a virtual website with advertisements. Ad attention is measured with the eye-tracking recording while ad attitude, ad recall, and product involvement are measured by questionnaires. A valid sample of 63 participants is collected out of 70 experiment subjects excluding 7 incorrect eye calibration cases. Results suggest that (1) personalized ads improve ad effects. (2) Personalized pop-up ads receive more ad attention and ad memory than personalized banner ads while no significant difference is shown for ad attitude. (3) Neither non-personalized pop-up ads nor non-personalized banner ads increase ad attention or ad recall; non-personalized pop-up receives less ad attitude compared to non-personalized banner ads. (4) High product involvement enhances ad attention for personalized pop-up ads while it has no effects on ad attitude and ad recall. In addition, the study offers an alternative evaluation of ad effectiveness, which is further evaluated with ad attention based on how it is affected by information processing. The study results provide the mobile advertising sector with significant references regarding advertisement design and placement in order to strengthen ad effectiveness.
Keywords: pop-up ads, banner ads, personalization, ad effectiveness, product involvement, eye-tracking;

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