
頁: 137-166
日期: 2023/04
摘要: 網際網路發展蓬勃之此時,假新聞更易傳播,尤其是經由新聞媒體報導的假新聞,社會大眾比較容易接受,所以影響力也更大;因此,本研究以新聞媒體報導商業品牌相關的假新聞為研究對象,結合謠言再傳模式與推敲可能性模式,探討假新聞對新聞閱聽者信念回聲的影響。本研究以實驗、問卷調查二種方法,蒐集210份有效問卷,研究結果發現︰人們會因為假新聞跟自己相關、來源可信度高、新聞論點品質高強化其相信假新聞的程度;但不會因為新聞閱聽者對假新聞所抹黑的品牌有高度的情感認同就不相信假新聞,且刊載假新聞的網站之吸引力也不會影響假新聞的可信度。此外,雖然事實查核新聞可對新聞閱聽者降低對假新聞的相信程度而有信念回聲的現象,卻無法使假新聞閱聽者對品牌的情感認同回復到原先的水準。
關鍵字: 假新聞;事實查核;謠言再傳模式;推敲可能性模式;信念回聲;品牌情感認同;

Belief Echoes: The Impact of Fake News and Fact-checking News on Affection of Brand

Abstract: Due to the blooming of the Internet, fake news to be more widely discussed in the social network. This study is focus on the fake news how to influence the brand of business, and combines the Rumor Retransmission Model and Elaboration Likelihood Model to figure out how the fake news impact on news readers' belief echoes. This study has used experience and survey methods to collect 210 valid data, and found that people will increase the degree of their belief in fake news because of the personal involvement of fake news to themselves, high source credibility, and high quality of news arguments; but they will not disbelieve fake news due to they have high degree of emotional recognition with the brands smeared by fake news. Meanwhile, the attractiveness of websites that publish fake news will not affect the credibility of the fake news. In addition, although the fact-checking news has a certain degree of effectiveness in brand-related fake news and exist the belief echoes to the news readers; however, it cannot restore the brand of affection of them to the original level.
Keywords: Fake news, Fact-checking, Rumor Retransmission Model, Elaboration Likelihood Model, Belief echoes, Affection of Brand;

瀏覽次數: 10703     下載次數: 214

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