
頁: 193-220
日期: 2023/04
摘要: 線上評論已成為網路購物的重要資訊來源,一些知名電商平台提供線上評論反饋機制以幫助消費者從中提取有用的資訊以做出購買決定,但卻幾乎沒有研究探討線上評論反饋機制是否會給消費者帶來什麼實質性幫助,因此,本研究旨在探討線上評論反饋機制對消費者購物的影響。同時本研究也探討線上評論幫助性和產品涉入的交互作用產生的影響。   本研究以實驗法收集資料,研究對象為有網購經驗的大學生與研究生為主。通過資料分析,結果顯示無論以何種方式呈現線上評論能見度,線上評論幫助性對決策品質皆有影響,而只有把有幫助的線上評論給予較高的能見度,才能減輕消費者購買過程的多種認知負擔,此外,當產品涉入高時,線上評論幫助性對於提高決策品質和減輕資訊過載尤為重要。本研究可為未來探討線上評論反饋機制的研究奠定基礎,也能為那些希望為其線上購物網站創造成功和繁榮的人提供指引。
關鍵字: 線上評論;線上評論反饋機制;線上評論幫助性;線上評論能見度;產品涉入;

A Study of a Consumer Feedback Mechanism for Online Reviews: The Role of Online Review Helpfulness

Abstract: Online reviews have become increasingly important for consumer shopping. Some famous e-commerce websites provide consumer feedback mechanisms to extract valuable information from online reviews for helping consumer decision making. However, little research has focused on the phenomenon of consumer feedback mechanisms for online reviews. Thus, this study examines the impact of a consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews on consumer purchase behavior. The interaction effects of online review helpfulness and product involvement are also investigated. This study was conducted by an experimental method. The subjects were mainly undergraduate and graduate students in a university with online purchase experience. This study finds that the consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews has an impact on purchase behavior. Online review helpfulness has an impact on decision quality regardless of the types of online review visibility. Also, providing high level visibility for online review helpfulness could lessen the burden of consumer buying process. The consumer feedback mechanism is important to improve decision quality and lessen information overload when the level of product involvement is high. The results of the study could guide those wishing to create success and prosperity for their online shopping websites. The study will definitely serve as a basis for the future growth of the consumer feedback mechanism for online reviews.
Keywords: online reviews, consumer feedback mechanism, online review helpfulness, online review visibility, product involvement;

瀏覽次數: 11992     下載次數: 220

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