
頁: 123-151
日期: 2024/01
摘要: 本研究欲探討霸凌事件中的旁觀者在經由虛擬實境 (VR)中以第一人稱角度換位體驗受害者感受後,對受害者的同理心及協助行為是否改變,以致在虛擬霸凌場景中能成為願意伸出援手的挺身者。本研究為質量化兼具之混合研究,採用2×2實驗設計,自變項為情感同理心 (高、低) 與體驗受害者經歷 (透過VR體驗霸凌受害者經歷、無體驗),依變項為旁觀者行為、對於受害者的同理心、霸凌態度。質性資料則包括受測者在虛擬霸凌情境中的旁觀者/挺身者行為及開放式問卷回應。七十二名大學生依據其情感同理心高低在第一階段被分到有體驗/無VR體驗霸凌受害者組進行體驗,並於第二階段在虛擬霸凌情境裡扮演旁觀者角色目睹霸凌事件,觀察其旁觀者反應。結果顯示與無體驗組相比,有體驗組在扮演旁觀者時會展現更多的挺身者角色行為、對於霸凌受害者具有更高的同理心、且其挺身介入霸凌的態度也更正向。本身情感同理心高低則在以上三個面向上均無顯著差異。研究證實無論個體的同理心程度如何,在透過VR去體驗霸凌受害者經歷後都能提升人們對霸凌受害者的同理反應和挺身介入的態度與行為,顯示以VR體驗受害者能達到良好的霸凌防治效果。
關鍵字: 同理心;角色扮演;校園霸凌;旁觀者;虛擬環境;

Effects of Experiencing VR Bullying Victims on Bystander Empathy, Behavior, and Attitude in Bullying Situations

Abstract: The present study investigates the effect of VR role-playing a bullying victim on attitudes and behaviors toward bullies and victims in the virtual bullying situation. That is, whether the roleplay experience can change one’s attitude and make the bystanders become defenders. This is a mixed-method research. The researchers constructed a 2 by 2 experimental design with the affective empathy (high, low) and VR roleplay victim (VR role-play, without VR role-play) as the two independent variables. The dependent variables are bystander behavior, empathy for victims, as well as bullying attitudes. The qualitative data are subjects’ verbal and non-verbal responses to the virtual bullying situation and their response to the open-ended questions. Seventy-two college students were randomly assigned to the VR or non-VR group according to their levels of affective empathy. Subjects first wore VR glasses and roleplayed as the victims in stage one by viewing a bullying video. In stage two, they entered a Second Life bullying situation to roleplay bystanders. Those subjects in the control group only participated in stage two. The results showed that compared with the non-VR group, the VR group exhibited more defender behaviors in the bullying situation, and had higher empathy for victims, and were more willing to intervene in bullying, no matter what their original levels of affective empathy were. The results have confirmed that regardless of the individual's level of empathy, roleplaying a bullying victim through VR can enhance one’s empathic responses and attitudes in the bullying situation. It shows that the VR roleplay of bullying victims is an effective tool for bullying prevention.
Keywords: empathy, role-play, bullying, bystander, virtual environment;

瀏覽次數: 4965     下載次數: 193

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