
頁: 383-415
日期: 2024/10
摘要: 本研究以「國立自然科學博物館」為場域,不同使用動機為出發點,探討擴增實境(augmented reality; AR)應用於博物館創新服務成效。結合動機與羊群行為理論,本研究提出一整合模式,並針對「繽紛生命特展」的參觀者進行問卷調查實證研究,合計回收有效問卷599份。結構方程模式資料分析結果指出,本研究提出的模式具良好的解釋力(R2介於0.54-0.7間),僅一研究假說(H4a)未獲得支持。換言之,AR提供的不同視覺效果體驗,強化了參觀者的使用動機(外部動機與內在動機),進而提升參觀者的滿意度與再用意圖;再者,對於羊群行為現象的使用者而言,他們在體驗過一次後,便無意再次使用,這是與使用動機明確的使用者最大的差異。但無論使用者的動機為何,本研究也發現,不同的動機皆有助於滿意度與學習成效的提升,換言之,對於策展單位而言,不論透過何種方式提升使用者的使用動機,對於博物館的創新服務成效都能夠有所助益,但對於再次使用意圖的影響,則有所差異,此一研究發現,將有助於更深入了解參觀民眾的需求,進而協助博物館設計與提供資訊科技創新服務的成效。
關鍵字: 博物館;擴增實境;使用動機;羊群行為;服務創新;

Understanding the Service Effectiveness of Using AR in Museum Exhibition from the Perspective of Users’ Motivations

Abstract: This study takes “National Museum of Nature Science” as the field and begins with the users’ motivations to understand the service effectiveness of using augmented reality (AR) in the exhibition of the museum. Integrating motivation and herd theories, an integrated model is proposed and validated by the questionnaire survey data collected from the visitors of “colorful life” exhibition. A total of 599 valid respondents participated in this study. The results of structural equation model (SEM) indicated the proposed model has well explained power (R2 between 0.54-0.7), only one hypothesis (H4a) is non-supported. In other words, AR provides different visual appeal to enhance visitors’ motivation (extrinsic and intrinsic motivations) and promote their satisfaction and reuse intention. Relatively, for the visitors who motivated by herd behavior phenomenon have lower (insignificant) reuse intention. However, the results indicate that no matter which motivation, all of them have positive effects on the satisfaction and learning effectiveness positively. Overall, findings of this study can assist to understand visitors’ requirements and benefit to the development of innovativeness services in museum.
Keywords: Museum, Augmented Reality (AR), user motivation, herd behavior, service innovation;

瀏覽次數: 21107     下載次數: 551

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