
頁: 169-202
日期: 2007/04
摘要: 隨著上網人口的快速增加,進而促使網路社群的形成,而成員問在情感的支持下從事資訊分享與知識貢獻的助人行為,而過去的研究一直缺乏針對這個議題做有系統的探討。因此,本研究針對網路社群成員問的助人行為現象加以探討之外,並且更進一步探討網路社群的社會資本與助人行為的影響因素-網路社群本質,試圖透過不同領域學者對於助人行為做更深入的追蹤,以彌補過去學術與實務界之缺口。而結果顯示:在網路社群的社會資本與網路社群本質兩者均有利於網路成員的助人行為的產生,並且進一步發現網路社群是一個非常適合做資訊分享與知識交流的環境。最後,透過本研究所建立之完整的網路社群成員問助人行為模式之探討,可以提供給業者在提昇成員問資訊與知識的交流的參考依據。
關鍵字: 網路社群;助人行為;社會資本;資訊分享;知識貢獻;

A Relational Study of Social Capital and Members' Helping Behaviors in Online Community

Abstract: Despite the growing popularity of online communities, however, most theories in general exist a big problem: the issue of how to share information and knowledge the influential factors in online communities, have always been a major gap in the long-term existing realistic and academic world. Therefore, this research will discuss helping behavior of online community members, according to the integration of social capital, the nature of online community and browsing behavior, the study will be able to construct the complete framework, and further will discuses online community members' helping behavior that might depletion the mechanism in consumer-firm relationships. The results indicate that the elements of social capital and the natures of online community are positively related. Moreover further discovered social capital and the nature of online community are positively related to helping behavior. Therefore, the complete online community members’ helping behavior model may provide for industry continues leading to success in a competitive market.
Keywords: online community;helping behavior;social capital;information sharing;knowledge contribution;

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