
頁: 53-71
日期: 2006/10
摘要: 在本文中,我們以傳統病歷具有的循序記錄、檢驗記錄逐件加入的特性為基礎,以系統流程的角度思考,設計適用於電子病歷的漸增式複合式文件架構,並依此架構發展出真確性保護機制。本文提出的真確性保護機制是以新增單元文件為常態,只須對新增的單元文件計算檢查碼,並用以更新文件整體的檢查碼,原有眾多單元文件的檢查碼不需要重新計算,因而能有效率地更新複合式電子病歷的檢查碼,以進行真確性的維護與查驗。利用本研究所提出之複合式電子病歷架構與真確性保護方法,除了能保護電子病歷文件的真確性外,同時也能確保病歷中關於診斷流程先後順序的真確性,可以避免病歷資料遭到未經授權的變更,進而達到提升醫療品質的目的。
關鍵字: 複合式文件;電子病歷;資訊真確性;真確性檢查碼;

Protecting Information Integrity for Electronic Patient Record

Abstract: We present a compound-document model for structuring the electronic patient records, based on the current practices of collecting the paper-form patient records in a hospital. We further devise a method for protecting information integrity to utilize the structural feature of the compound-document model. Through the the proposed compound-document model and integrity protection method, medical institutions can maintain document with integrity inspections more efficiently and thereby enhance the quality of medical care.
Keywords: Compound document;Electronic patient record;Information integrity;Integrity checking code;

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