頁: 197-216
日期: 2006/07
摘要: 隨著資訊科技被廣泛應用於各類型的組織溝通活動,溝通現象愈趨複雜,相關之研究議題也更加豐富,組織溝通領域因立場差異而起的學術論戰也越趨激烈。科技中介之組織溝通領域的學術論戰,究其原因,皆是因後設理論觀點不同而起。本研究之目的,在於耙梳各類科技中介之組織溝通研究所稟持之後設理論,以及諸後設理論所本之研究典範,期能彰顯該領域理論建構之背景視域,並據以論證既存的科技中介之組織溝通理論。本研究籍由「研究典範→後設理論→理論建構」的概念架構,建構出整個科技中介之組織溝通研究領域的背景視域,並以此背景視域為 基礎,對領域內的主要理論作分析,探討其貢獻與侷限。
關鍵字: 組織溝通;資訊科技;研究典範;後設理論;
Abstract: Technological mediation of organizational communication as a discipline grew tremendously over the latter part of the 20(superscript th) century. But accompanying that growth was the strident debate over various theoretical commitments. Scholars consider most of the theoretical conflicts are the incommensurability among philosophical foundations. Therefore, this essay is to frame the discipline's research paradigms and meta theories as its philosophical foundation, and to assess the well-known theories of the discipline based on this philosophical ground. The authors believe this approach bridges the competitive theories via research paradigms and metatheoretical perspectives, and provides a common basis for further studies.
Keywords: Organizational Communication;Technological Mediation;Research Paradigm;Meta Theory;
瀏覽次數: 19677 下載次數: 1324
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 197-216
日期: 2006/07
摘要: 隨著資訊科技被廣泛應用於各類型的組織溝通活動,溝通現象愈趨複雜,相關之研究議題也更加豐富,組織溝通領域因立場差異而起的學術論戰也越趨激烈。科技中介之組織溝通領域的學術論戰,究其原因,皆是因後設理論觀點不同而起。本研究之目的,在於耙梳各類科技中介之組織溝通研究所稟持之後設理論,以及諸後設理論所本之研究典範,期能彰顯該領域理論建構之背景視域,並據以論證既存的科技中介之組織溝通理論。本研究籍由「研究典範→後設理論→理論建構」的概念架構,建構出整個科技中介之組織溝通研究領域的背景視域,並以此背景視域為 基礎,對領域內的主要理論作分析,探討其貢獻與侷限。
關鍵字: 組織溝通;資訊科技;研究典範;後設理論;
Philosophical Foundations within the Technological Mediation of Organizational Communication: Framing the Discipline's Research Paradigms and Meta Theories
Abstract: Technological mediation of organizational communication as a discipline grew tremendously over the latter part of the 20(superscript th) century. But accompanying that growth was the strident debate over various theoretical commitments. Scholars consider most of the theoretical conflicts are the incommensurability among philosophical foundations. Therefore, this essay is to frame the discipline's research paradigms and meta theories as its philosophical foundation, and to assess the well-known theories of the discipline based on this philosophical ground. The authors believe this approach bridges the competitive theories via research paradigms and metatheoretical perspectives, and provides a common basis for further studies.
Keywords: Organizational Communication;Technological Mediation;Research Paradigm;Meta Theory;
瀏覽次數: 19677 下載次數: 1324
引用 導入Endnote