
頁: 109-135
日期: 2006/01
摘要: 電子經濟時代的來臨已促使企業環境變得更多樣、複雜與快速變遷。顧客的要求已不若往常,他們要求更高價值、客製化、低成本、與極快速的產品與服務,企業如何利用資訊科技以滿足上述顧客需求已是企業高層關心的重點。本研究的主要目的是要發展一個以資訊科技為基礎的價值創新階段模式,以瞭解企業如何以循序漸進方式增進與顧客之間的關係,同時探討該模式與資訊系統規劃/企業規劃的整合之關係、及該模式對組織績效的影響。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷寄發對象為資訊部門主管。有效問卷回收共141份。 研究結果驗証了價值創新模式及其相關特徵的存在,並指出企業顧客服務方向的演變,研究結果也顯示價值創新的階段性演進對組織績效有顯著的影響,價值創新與資訊系統規劃/企業規劃的整合度有顯著關聯,此外,資訊系統規劃與企業規劃的整合對於企業資訊系統規劃品質及組織績效皆有顯著影響。研究結果有助於企業利用資訊科技做好顧客關係管理,謀求改善企業結構與資訊科技基礎建設,本研究之價值創新模式及規劃整合度之議題亦對實務界及學術界未來進行策劃或研究時,有莫大的幫助。
關鍵字: 資訊科技;價值創新;顧客關係管理;顧客服務;資訊系統規劃;企業規劃;

A Study on IT-Based Value Innovation Stage Model

Abstract: The emerging electronic economy is bringing with more diverse, complex and rapidly changing environment. Customers are demanding more value, customized to their exact needs, at less cost, and as quickly as possible products and services. How enterprises adopt information technology to satisfy customers' demand has been the major concerns. The study attempts to develop an IT-based value innovation model for the evolution of customer support and service, investigate the relationship between the model and the business planning-information systems planning (BP-ISP) integration, and the effect of the model on organization performance. Data for this study consists of the responses of IS leaders from 141 major Taiwan companies and is collected through questionnaires. The result of the study empirically validates the value innovation model that suggests the evolutionary direction for customer service and the benchmark variables for each stage of the model. It suggests that the stages of the model influence organizational performance. Moreover, relationship exists between the value innovation model and the extent of integration of BP-ISP. The result shows that the extent of integration of BP-ISP significantly influences ISP quality and organizational performance. The result of the study provides practitioners a guideline for improving enterprise architectures and information technology (IT) infrastructures to use IT to achieve better customer relationship management. The issues of value innovation model and the BP-ISP integration could serve as a basis for strategic planning and future studies in this field.
Keywords: Information Technology;Value Innovation;Customer Relationship Management;Customer Service;Information System Planning;Business Planning;

瀏覽次數: 31502     下載次數: 257

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