
頁: 185-210
日期: 2005/10
摘要: 本研究以組織政治觀點來探討企業資訊化的過程,組織政治的存在是系統成敗很重要的關鍵因素。因此我們期待瞭解是何種因素影響了這些政治行為的發生?是誰在何時、何地主導的?各種不同層次的影響因素之間又有著何種交錯、複雜的互動關係?而這些政治行為對IS與組織又會造成何種影響?因此本研究從不同層次的理論觀點來詮釋分析這些資訊化過程中的政治行為。又因為組織政治是如此的複雜,必須仰賴質化研究方法來蒐集相關資料,方可達到本研究之目的;故本研究選取一個在其資訊化過程中有著很多政治行為的個案-Theta公司-蒐集訪談、文件、檔案記錄、觀察等多重資料,進行了十三個月之久的研究。並以三種不同層次與權力相關的理論:策略權變理論觀點、社會交換理論觀點,以及結構化理論觀點,分析並詮釋個案在資訊化過程中的組織政治行為。本研究在實務上可藉由個案的實例給予大家在推動資訊化過程中,瞭解組織政治行為的運作契機、過程與結果,本研究發現在許多不同種類的政治行為中,又可歸類為攻擊、保守、補強、退縮四種不同類型;故實務界可藉此研究的發現降低或避免未來在資訊化時因為政治行為所衍生的負面影響。在學術上除了可經由脈絡主義的分析方法,用不同的理論詮釋與分析其所發生的緣由、現象與過程外,並可發現其背後所隱藏的機制以供學術界參考。
關鍵字: 組織政治;政治行為;策略權變理論;社會交換理論;結構化理論觀點;

Interpretation Political Behaviors in Information System Implementation from Multi-Perspectives

Abstract: This paper explores political behaviors in information system implementation processes. The organizational politics is the critical success/failure factor in the IS implementation processes. We expect to understand what kind of political behavior will occur? What will be the events and processes of these political behaviors? Who's idea? At what time? In what setting? What will be the interaction among these dimensions? How will these political behaviors affect IS outcome and organization? This study will explain political behaviors in IS implementation processes from different interpretations and perspectives. This study relies on qualitative data collected from-”manufacturer” Theta-in the forms of interviews, documented data, archival data, and observation over thirteen month. The data are interpreted through three internally coherent theoretical perspectives: strategic contingency theory, social exchange theory, and structuration theory. Contributions include the following. In practice, we group these political behavior into four types: aggression, defense, strengthen, withdrawal. The detailed descriptions we use to describe political behaviors in IS implementation processes can help in similar cases to show how to reduce or prevent any negative consequences. Academically, we conduct contextualism analyses of these processes, and use three theoretical perspectives to interpret these phenomena.
Keywords: Organizational Politics;Political Behavior;Strategy Contingency Theory;Social Exchange Theory;Structuration Theory;

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