
頁: 71-90
日期: 2004/01
摘要: 本研究旨在以資源基礎理論為核心,探討台灣地區電子商務業者之群組類型,依據資源優勢構面,發展出資源變數問項進行實證研究,結果發現:電子商務產業的資源優勢類型可以分為四種:即關鍵性技術資源、營運人力素質資源、行銷資源與關係資源。而ASP與ICP業者則由於經營項目的差異,進一步依其所擁有的資源可以分為四種群組。各群組除了其資源特性有顯著差別外,本研究進一步發現擁有不同資源的群組其在經營績效表現上有顯著的差別,ASP業者中具備技術資源的群組績效表現最佳,而ICP業者中具備行銷資源的業者群組表現較佳,此一結果可能顯示不同營業範圍的業者其產業生命週期階段有所不同,本研究最後依結果提出理論涵意與對電子商務產業的看法。
關鍵字: 電子商務;資源基礎理論;資源群組;

The Resource Positioning and Grouping in Electronic Commerce Industry-The View of Resources-Based Theory~

Abstract: Based on the resource-based theory, this research analyzes the strategic group of electronic commerce industry according the resource advantage dimensions developed by previous literature. The findings include: The resource advantages in EC industry can be classified into four types: critically technique resource, human resources, marketing resource and relationship sources. ASP and ICP firms can be divided into four groups and they are significant different in their resources possessed, furthermore, performance are also different among four groups. Group of firms that owned technique resource performs outstandingly in ASP firms, but the performance of group that owned marketing resources is superior to other groups in ICP firms. This research provides further inferences and practical suggestions at last.
Keywords: electronic commerce;resource-based theory;resource group;

瀏覽次數: 8364     下載次數: 97

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