
頁: 181-202
日期: 2008/07
摘要: 近幾年來,供應鏈管理已成為企業一個很重要的議題,透過供應鏈的整合及建構一種嶄新的企業模式,才能提昇競爭力,並保持其競爭優勢。過去許多企業提到供應鏈管理大都以供應商為探討主軸,但在現今愈趨複雜的商業環境中,所謂的供應鏈所涉及的範圍已不侷限於原料供應者到生產者端,而是同時涵蓋到生產者到顧客端的整體運作過程,若要更為緊密地整合供應鏈,只有從價值鏈的觀點來整合企業間各活動之流程。因此,價值鏈管理在企業間也越來越普及,每個企業間之競爭因產業間之價值鏈活動不同而異,價值鏈之間的差異形成競爭優勢的重要來源,對所有的企業來說,相同的是進一步整合價值鏈,以大幅改變現狀,提高市場適應能力。本研究提供一建構價值鏈及評估之模式,以平衡計分卡為依據,企業依平衡計分卡之四個構面擬定策略目標來達成企業之願景,將企業價值鏈內相關的活動內容作為具體的行動方案,並藉由價值鏈管理的準則對該企業之價值鏈進行評估,其評估結果可供企業調整其價值鏈的策略目標與架構之參考依據。本研究將所提出之建構價值鏈及評估模式應用在真實的案例上,藉由個案訪談之結果來探討其可行性及合理性;並依據此架構,實際建置一E化價值鏈評估之雛形系統。
關鍵字: 供應鏈管理;價值鏈管理;平衡計分卡;流程;

The Model on Building and Evaluation of Value Chain

Abstract: In recent years, supply chain management has become a major issue in many industries. It is widely acknowledged that speed, agility and value creation are the most critical elements of modern competitiveness in the era of the Internet. The concept of value chain management is becoming quite prevalent in industry. In effectively, managing the supply chain is to create value to the end consumer in terms of products and services. For the trend of the internet and information technology development, the firms' information technology capabilities impact the flexibility and agility of value chain, and that value chain agility impacts business performance. By integrating the value chain of enterprises, which is in an E-based environment IT integration can sustain competitive advantages. This paper, through a review of the literatures of value chain and supply chain, proposes a method for establishing and evaluating the value chain, which is based on the theory of balanced scorecards. The proposed methodology is validated by a real-world case. Based on the proposed framework, we tried to build up an efficient E-evaluation management system.
Keywords: Supply chain management;value chain management;balanced scorecards;process;

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