頁: 113-137
日期: 2004/01
摘要: 網際網路與電子商務的興起,不但顛覆了傳統的商業交易模式,同時也成為廠商接近顧客的一種新的媒體、通路與交易平台。儘管網路行銷與線上廣告是當前熱門的電子商務研究議題,然而,一個更基本的問題是一線上購物這種新的交易方式是否為消費者所接受。本研究以慎思行動理論為基礎,探討影響消費者進行線上購物行為意圖的影響因素。然而,慎思行動理論乃是一個一般化的行為模型,並無法解釋為何消費者願意在線上環境購買某些商品而在傳統通路購買其他商品。因此,為了進一步瞭解消費者對於不同商品採取線上購物意圖的因素,本研究結合交易成本理論,從產品交易屬性的角度探討不同產品/服務所衍生的交易成本對消費者採行線上購物意圖的影響。研究結果發現,不但消費者對網路購物行為的行為意圖會受到其所持的態度與主觀規範的影響,同時消費者對交易成本的評估亦會影響其線上購物的意圖。
關鍵字: 線上購物行為;行為意圖;慎思行動理論;交易成本理論;
Abstract: The emergence of the Internet and electronic commerce (EC) has transformed the way of conducting business, and the Internet undoubtedly has become a new medium, a new channel and a transaction platform for firms to approach their customers. Even though Internet marketing and online advertising seem to be one of the hottest streams of EC related studies, what concerns us more is whether consumers do accept this kind of new transacting technology. This study utilizes the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the theoretical basis to investigate factors that influence consumer's online purchasing intention. Since TRA is a generic behavioral model, which cannot provide enough knowledge as to why consumers are willing to buy products online, this study therefore combines the theoretical constructs of Transaction Cost Theory as alternative sources of influencing factors of consumers' online purchasing intention. The empirical results show that both consumers' attitude and subjective norms based on TRA have strong influences on consumers' online purchasing intention. The substantive relationships between consumers' evaluation of transaction attributes and online purchasing intention also gain mixed supports in this study.
Keywords: Online Purchasing;Behavioral Intention;Theory of Reasoned Action;Transaction Cost Theory;
瀏覽次數: 27866 下載次數: 366
引用 導入Endnote
頁: 113-137
日期: 2004/01
摘要: 網際網路與電子商務的興起,不但顛覆了傳統的商業交易模式,同時也成為廠商接近顧客的一種新的媒體、通路與交易平台。儘管網路行銷與線上廣告是當前熱門的電子商務研究議題,然而,一個更基本的問題是一線上購物這種新的交易方式是否為消費者所接受。本研究以慎思行動理論為基礎,探討影響消費者進行線上購物行為意圖的影響因素。然而,慎思行動理論乃是一個一般化的行為模型,並無法解釋為何消費者願意在線上環境購買某些商品而在傳統通路購買其他商品。因此,為了進一步瞭解消費者對於不同商品採取線上購物意圖的因素,本研究結合交易成本理論,從產品交易屬性的角度探討不同產品/服務所衍生的交易成本對消費者採行線上購物意圖的影響。研究結果發現,不但消費者對網路購物行為的行為意圖會受到其所持的態度與主觀規範的影響,同時消費者對交易成本的評估亦會影響其線上購物的意圖。
關鍵字: 線上購物行為;行為意圖;慎思行動理論;交易成本理論;
Factors Influencing Consumer's Online Shopping Intention: Combining Theory of Reasoned Action and Transaction Cost Theory
Abstract: The emergence of the Internet and electronic commerce (EC) has transformed the way of conducting business, and the Internet undoubtedly has become a new medium, a new channel and a transaction platform for firms to approach their customers. Even though Internet marketing and online advertising seem to be one of the hottest streams of EC related studies, what concerns us more is whether consumers do accept this kind of new transacting technology. This study utilizes the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as the theoretical basis to investigate factors that influence consumer's online purchasing intention. Since TRA is a generic behavioral model, which cannot provide enough knowledge as to why consumers are willing to buy products online, this study therefore combines the theoretical constructs of Transaction Cost Theory as alternative sources of influencing factors of consumers' online purchasing intention. The empirical results show that both consumers' attitude and subjective norms based on TRA have strong influences on consumers' online purchasing intention. The substantive relationships between consumers' evaluation of transaction attributes and online purchasing intention also gain mixed supports in this study.
Keywords: Online Purchasing;Behavioral Intention;Theory of Reasoned Action;Transaction Cost Theory;
瀏覽次數: 27866 下載次數: 366
引用 導入Endnote