
陳鴻嘉;許秉瑜;陳彥良;Chen, Yen-liang) ;
頁: 33-54
日期: 1999/01
摘要: 從CERN實驗室將第一個全球資訊網(WWW)推出以來,全球資訊網就在Internet上造成一股不可抵擋的潮流,短短的幾年內全球資訊網已經成為Internet上最廣泛的應用。但因為全球資訊網伺服站本身並不具有資料庫管理的功能,除了使得伺服站管理者在資料的管理與維護方面非常麻煩外,它也不能對站內資料做結構化的檢索。本研究首先探討此一問題的緝由,發現它的主因是缺乏一個良好的資料模式可以表現全球資訊網的特性,也因此無從建立資料庫管理功能。所以,我們針對全球資訊網,重新設計一套新的資料模式,稱為改良式全球資訊網超文字資料模式(Hyper Text Data Model of Advanced World Wide Web) ,並根據此模式設計相關的模式運算子以及一套可具有語意檢索能力的結構化查詢語言,解決了傳統全球資訊網使用者狀態缺乏維護以及缺乏結構化查訊的問題。
關鍵字: 全球資訊網;資料庫模式;查詢語言;網際網路 ;
Abstract: In the past few years, we have seen explosive growth of World Wide Web. The fast accumulation of web pages has brought us vast amount of information and a serious prob-lem: how to manage and query the information. In this paper, we strive to answer the prob-lem by defining a hypertext data model for web pages and designing a SQL-like query language to query web pages. The model is based on extensions of hypertext models. Tradi-tional hypertext models provide many insights for designing the model of web pages but fail to provide set-oriented query languages as used in most database systems. In this paper, we try to bring the best of the two worlds together by designing a hypertext model that can be queried by a set-oriented query language. The result is a model that can keep track of users states and record web documents with the granularity of documents, pages, and nodes. The study also produces a SQL-like query language to help users query web docu-ments.
Keywords: World wide web;Database model;Query language;Internet ;

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