
頁: 131-157
日期: 2005/07
摘要: 電子商務中的消費者通常必須在有限的資訊下作決策。因此,產品資訊的呈現方式便成為一個重要的議題。本研究採用實驗法,探討決策理論中不同框架型態(framing type)與配價型態(valence type)對消費者行為意圖的影響。框架型態包括屬性框架、目標框架及風險選擇框架;配價型態則有正負面兩種表述。此外,本研究依據受測者與實驗標的物的本質自我相關程度將其分為高低程度兩組。結果顯示,框架效應在電子商務上的效果與傳統決策問題相似。換言之,以正面方式描述產品屬性會讓消費者有較高的購買意願及願付金額,且大部份在正面框架下的受測者皆選擇無風險的確定選項,而接受負面框架訊息者則較傾向於冒險。 本研究亦探討一個新的議題,即風險選擇框架下受測者與實驗標的物的本質自我相關程度之關係。結果發現,當消費者與產品的本質自我相關程度低時,容易受到框架訊息的影響而選擇確定或冒險;反之,若消費者對產品的本質自我相關程度高時,則無論使用何種框架訊息,大部份的消費者會選擇確定。
關鍵字: 框架效應;行為決策;電子商務;實驗法;

Framing Effect in Electronic Commerce: A Laboratory Experiment

Abstract: In electronic commerce, consumers make decisions based on limited information. Thus, it is important to present information that can influence buyer's decision and in turn favors Net-enabled organizations. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of framing types and valence types on consumer's behavior intention by using laboratory experiment. The framing types are attribute, goal and risky choice. The framing valence includes positive and negative frames. Subjects of this study were divided into two groups, high and low intrinsic self-relevance (ISR), according to their relevance to the research topic, the electronic translator. The results indicate that framing effect in e-commerce is similar to the findings in traditional decision-making. That is, in the context of attribute framing, people respond more favorably to positive than to negative framing. Most of the subjects in positive framing context choose the sure option. On the other hand, subjects who receive the negative message choose to take risks. In addition, an original perspective was proposed to investigate the relationship between risky choice and levels of ISR of subjects. The result shows that consumers with low ISR are easily influenced by framing effect. In contrast, subjects with high ISR tend to choose the positive choice.
Keywords: Framing Effect;Behavior Decision;Electronic Commerce;Laboratory Experiment;

瀏覽次數: 25926     下載次數: 265

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